Category: Sri Lanka

  • Will US help debt trapped Sri Lanka?

    China saw a strategic opportunity in establishing its footprint in Sri Lanka and extended finance for the Hambantota port project, knowing quite well that the loans would not be repaid as the project was a commercial dud…writes S.P.S PANNU US Secretary of State Mike Pompeos scheduled stopover at Colombo on October 28, after his meeting…

  • Rajapaksa to contest parliamentary election

    Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa announced that he would contest the August 17 parliamentary elections…..reports Asian Lite News. Speaking to a large crowd in his hometown of Tangalle town, Rajapaksa said he could not reject the request of his supporters to contest, the Daily Mirror reported. “People’s request asking me to contest cannot be…

  • British Tamils plan diaspora

    Sri Lankan Tamils in Britain urge Colombo to form a “Ministry of Overseas Sri Lankans”…reports M.R. Narayan Swamy   Impressed by what India has done for its large diaspora, influential Sri Lankan Tamils have come together in Britain to seek from Colombo a “Ministry of Overseas Sri Lankans”. The newly formed Non-Resident Tamils of Sri Lanka (NRTSL)…

  • Lanka recalls envoy from India

    By Ranjana Narayan  Sri Lanka has recalled its envoy to India Sudharshan Seneviratne, within a year of his appointment and just when bilateral ties were looking up between the two neighbours. Acknowledging that he has been asked to return, Seneviratne, a highly respected academic who has many friends in India, believes that both countries need…

  • Lanka to talk to India on fishing

    Sri Lanka said that it will continue to engage with India on the fishermen issue to seek satisfactory short-term and long-term solutions. The foreign ministry said it was aware of remarks by the minister of fisheries who had said that he had rejected a proposal by India to resolve the fishing issue, reports Xinhua. The…

  • Lanka rejects Indian proposal to solve fishing dispute

    The Sri Lankan government  said it has refused to agree to a proposal from India to allow Indian fishermen to catch fish in Sri Lankan waters. Fisheries Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said that India had requested Sri Lanka to allow Indians to catch fish for 65 days a year in Sri Lankan waters in an attempt…

  • India 10, Pakistan 10, Bangladesh 3, Lanka 1 at British Polls

    Pakistani-origin British MPs now equal Indian counterparts – 10 With three gains as compared to their tally in the previous House of Commons, the number of Pakistani-origin MPs in the British parliament has drawn level with their Indian counterparts, whose strength remained static. Earlier, there were seven Pakistani-origin MPs in the Commons. Now the figure…

  • Rajapaksa denies ‘assets abroad’

    Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapakse denied allegations that he had siphoned off state funds during his decade-long presidency and held assets worth $18 billion overseas….reports AAsian Lite, UK’s No 1 newspaper for British Asians Rajapakse’s response came a day after Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera said that according to intelligence reports, Rajapaksa had stashed away…

  • India rank below neighbours in social progress

      India has a low rank of 101 among the 133 countries measured for their social progress, even below some immediate neighbours such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, indicating the level of meeting basic human needs and well-being, among other factors. Conducted by Social Progress Imperative, a US-based non-profit organisation set up in…

  • South Asia’s concern of growing Pak nuclear arsenal

    By Arun Kumar  Noting that “Pakistan, with the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal, is unquestionably the biggest concern,” in South Asia, a leading US daily wants major powers to turn their attention towards it after finalising the Iran deal. Citing several recent developments, the New York Times said in an editorial that “These investments reflect the…

  • Sri Lanka gives back land to Tamils

      President Maithripala Sirisena handed back land held by the military to its rightful owners in north Sri Lanka. The president assured Tamils in the minority Tamil-dominated North that the land issue would be resolved and the land used as High Security Zones will be returned, Xinhua news agency reported. During the 30-year civil war,…

  • India objects to Lanka’s justification

    India said  that it had “strongly objected” to Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe’s comments justifying the killing of Indian fishermen by its navy. Making a statement after the issue was raised in the Rajya Sabha, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said she had taken it up with Wickremesinghe. The minister said she was in…

  • Lankan Tamils distressed over UN probe report

    Sri Lanka’s main Tamil political party  expressed distress at a decision taken by the Human Rights Council in Geneva to postpone the submission of a report based on war crimes. The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) which has been pushing for the report to be submitted as scheduled next month said it will seek a meeting…

  • India, Lanka ink civil n-deal

    India and close neighbour Sri Lanka  sought to begin a new chapter in their relations as the island nation’s newly-elected President Maithripala Sirisena held talks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi here and the two sides inked four agreements, including one on civil nuclear cooperation. Sirisena, who arrived here Sunday evening on a four-day state visit…

  • Sirisena accorded ceremonial reception

    New Sri Lankan president Maithripala Sirisena was accorded a ceremonial reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan  in the presence of President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Sirisena along with his wife Jayanthi Sirisena also paid homage to Mahatma Gandhi at Rajghat. This is the Sri Lankan president’s maiden foreign trip after assuming office following the…

  • Sirisena begins India visit

    Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena arrived here  on a four-day state visit – his maiden trip abroad since he won the presidential elections last month. He was received by Minister of State for Shipping P. Radhakrishnan. On Monday, President Sirisena will be accorded a ceremonial reception at Rashtrapati Bhavan after which he will go to…

  • US hails Sri Lankan agenda

    The US said that despite some difficult challenges ahead for Sri Lanka, the country has put forward an ambitious agenda for their first 100 days, the Sri Lankan president’s office said . Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia Nisha Biswal made the comments while meeting Sri Lanka’s newly elected President…

  • Modi confident in Sirisena on reconciliation

    New Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena will promote reconciliation in his island nation with a vision for inclusiveness, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. Describing Sri Lanka as “a truly close neighbour and friend”, Modi offered New Delhi’s continued support and partnership to Colombo and the Sri Lankan people in “realising their aspirations”. The prime minister…

  • India, Lanka pledge to build better ties

      Nine days after President Maithripala Sirisena took office, Sri Lanka and India pledged to deepen their relations, with New Delhi agreeing to work “closely and extensively” with Colombo. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj conveyed India’s views to her new Sri Lankan counterpart Mangala Samaraweera, who arrived here overnight on his first foreign trip after…

  • Lanka verdict a slap for Tamil extremists

    By M.R. Narayan Swamy  It may sound bizarre but the defeat of Mahinda Rajapaksa in Sri Lanka’s presidential battle is a huge slap for LTTE supporters who had called for an election boycott by Tamils. Hardcore supporters of the militarily vanquished Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the West wanted Tamils living in the…

  • Lanka to probe alleged coup attempt

      The new Sri Lankan government will launch an investigation into an alleged coup attempt by the former administration during the presidential election, a spokesman said. United National Party (UNP) MP Mangala Samaraweera said pressure had been exerted on police and army to prevent Maithripala Sirisena from winning the presidential election, Xinhua reported. But Samaraweera…

  • Sirisena replace Rajapaksa in Sri Lanka

    Joint opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena was elected Sri Lanka’s new president, decisively defeating Mahinda Rajapaksa in an election the incumbent scheduled two years ahead of time hoping an easy win. Nearly a decade after he took power and later crushed the Tamil Tigers, Rajapaksa went down to his former health minister, who earned more than…

  • Lankan presidential battle ends

    More than 11 million people voted across Sri Lanka in a close presidential race between incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa, in power since 2005, and joint opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena. Officials said more than 80 percent of the 14.5 million electorate exercised their franchise in what could turn out to be one of the tightest contests in…

  • Lanka must address Tamil issue: BJP

      The winner of the Sri Lankan presidential election must first address the Tamil issue, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Vijay Jolly said Wednesday. “Whoever wins in Sri Lanka should first address the Tamil issue,” he said, wishing “all the best” to both President Mahinda Rajapaksa and the opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena. He said a…

  • Australia urged to stop forced return of Lankans

    Australia should cease forced returns of Sri Lankan asylum seekers until they are provided fair, thorough and transparent processing of their protection claims, human rights groups said Wednesday. Amnesty International, the Human Rights Law Centre and the Human Rights Watch made the appeal in response to the Nov 29 decision of Australian authorities to turn…

  • SAARC Summit concludes with one pact

    By Anil Giri  The 18th South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) Summit concluded in Kathmandu Thursday with the adoption of a 36-point Kathmandu Declaration. During the Summit, a Saarc Framework Agreement on Energy Cooperation was signed while leaders of the South Asian nations directed their respective ministers to hold a meeting within three months…

  • Lanka monitors warn of poll violence

      Sri Lanka’s election monitors have warned that the run-up to the presidential election in January could become violent and called on the Elections Commissioner for necessary action, an official said . Wheels have been set in motion to make history in Sri Lanka after incumbent President Mahinda Rajapaksa called for snap presidential election seeking…

  • Let’s walk in step, Modi tells SAARC

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday exhorted the eight neighbouring nations of the south Asian regional grouping Saarc to “walk in step” as he proposed a slew of measures, including ease for business travel, a level playing field in trade, and initiatives in healthcare and tourism. Modi, in his maiden speech to the South Asian…

  • Saarc must act for economic integration: Modi

      Prime Minister Narendra Modi  called for a better economic  integration among Saarc, expressing concern that under 5 percent of the region’s global trade takes place between its eight member countries. The Indian prime minister also promised a special funding vehicle, overseen by his country, to finance infrastructure projects in the region, while also proposing…

  • India calls for collective response to terrorism

      India  said that terrorism is the biggest challenge the South Asian region faces and called for collective response to it. India also reiterated its “sincere and abiding commitment” towards regional peace, prosperity and development in South Asia. India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in her opening statement at the SAARC Council of Ministers Meeting…

  • Pannerselvam write to Modi on fishermen

    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to instruct the external affairs ministry to secure the release of 38 Indian fishermen from Sri Lankan jails. “May I request you to instruct the Ministry of External Affairs to take up the matter immediately and ensure the prompt release of the 38 fishermen,…

  • Saarc summit to focus on peace & unity

    By Anil Giri   The forthcoming 18th Saarc Summit to be held in Kathmandu will focus on installing durable peace and prosperity among the member states and will give utmost priority to regional unity, Nepal’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey said. The theme of the summit is “deeper integration for peace and prosperity”, and…

  • Lanka announce presidential poll

    Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa signed the proclamation declaring the presidential election next year, the president’s office said. The president, who took power in 2005, is seeking a third term in office, two years ahead of completing his second term. Cabinet spokesman and Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said Rajapaksa had been nominated by the ruling Sri…

  • Lanka releases Indian fishermen on death row

      The Indian high commission here confirmed that five Indian fishermen, who were sentenced to death by a Sri Lankan court on charges of drug trafficking, were released from prison and will be sent back to India. “We are deeply grateful to (Sri Lankan President) Mahinda Rajapaksa for this humanitarian gesture, which will further strengthen…

  • Lanka raises objections with UN

    Sri Lanka  raised objections with the UN office in Colombo regarding the manner in which an investigation is being conducted on the war against Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka. Minister of External Affairs G.L. Peiris met Resident Coordinator of the UN in Sri Lanka Subinay Nandy and conveyed to him the government’s discontent concerning the…

  • India will appeal Lankan death sentence for fishermen

    India indicated there may have been “miscarriage of justice” in the death sentence handed down to five Indian fishermen for alleged drug trafficking in Colombo and said it will appeal. New Delhi also said that under a bilateral “legal architecture”, a similar death sentence for two Indians was commuted to life imprisonment after a Sri…

  • Lankan presidential poll in January

      The Sri Lankan government confirmed that the presidential elections will take place in January next year but the date is yet to be decided. “The presidential election will be held in January. The date cannot be said right now. I know the date but since it is yet to be confirmed I cannot say…

  • EU to ban fish from Sri Lanka

    The European Union (EU) has decided to ban the import of fisheries products caught by vessels flagged in Sri Lanka from entering the EU market after three months time from now, the EU office said here in a statement. The European Commission had in November 2012 sent a warning to Sri Lanka saying, they were…

  • Rajapaksa under pressure for probe

      Under pressure to allow an international probe, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa said Wednesday that “human rights are used as a tool to implement motivated agendas” and criticised what he characterised as double standards in enforcing them. Speaking at the UN General Assembly, Rajapaksa said: “Human rights should be recognised by all as a…

  • Stage set for the canonization of Fr. Joseph Vaz

    Goa Archbishop lauds papacy’s first stage approval of sainthood for Indian priest The Roman Catholic Church in Goa Wednesday expressed “joy” at Pope Francis’s approval of the first step towards of India’s first Catholic saint Fr. Joseph Vaz, a priest of Goan origin. In a statement issued here Archbishop of Goa and Daman Fr. Filipe…

  • BJP leaders in Lanka call for peace

    BJP leaders urge Sri Lanka to resume dialogue with Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Two leaders of India’s ruling BJP Friday met Sri Lankan Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris and urged that political dialogue be resumed between the island nation’s government and Tamil National Alliance leaders on various issues confronting the Tamil diaspora there. Bharatiya Janata Party…

  • Jaya oppose India-Lanka sea boundary

    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa urged the central government to pursue the idea of sustainable fishing by Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen and disagreed with a proposal to instal buoys to demarcate the international maritime boundary. “During the talks between the fishing communities of two countries, there has been a clear recognition that fishing…

  • Lanka urged to free fishermen

    India, Sri Lanka discuss fishermen’s issue, trade Repatriation of Indian fishermen arrested by Sri Lanka and ways to speed up trade dominated discussions between External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Sri Lankan Foreign Minister G.L. Peiris who called on her. External affairs ministry spokesperson Syed Akbaruddin told reporters here that Sushma Swaraj thanked Peiris for Sri…

  • Lankan Navy denies attacking Indian fishermen

    The Sri Lanka Navy Wednesday rejected claims that its personnel attack Indian fishermen when they stray into Sri Lankan waters. Navy spokesman Kosala Warnakulasuriya said the navy strictly follows international laws when dealing with maritime issues. He said as part of the duties entrusted to the navy, those violating Sri Lanka’s maritime laws were arrested…

  • Lanka’s first series win in England

    Sri Lanka have won their first series victory in England winning the second Test by 100 runs in a pulsating finish here. Last man James Anderson’s 55-ball vigil without scoring ended when he fended off the second last ball of the match, a nasty short-pitched delivery from Shaminda Eranga, to be caught in the close…

  • Lanka told to probe violence

    Human Rights Watch asks Lanka to probe anti-Muslim violence The Sri Lankan authorities should urgently investigate deadly violence against Muslims by Buddhist hardliners, Human Rights Watch said. The violence, which began June 15 after a rally led by the Buddhist Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS), left at least four Muslims dead, 80 injured, and numerous homes…

  • Lanka to tame extremists

    Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa orders crackdown on extremists Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has instructed the police to take action against any individual or organisation attempting to spread hatred among religions or races. In a message, the president warned that peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka following the end of the war was at…

  • PICS: Lanka violence

    The attacks on Muslims in Lanka came after the Bodu Bala Sena were allowed to hold a rally in the town despite warnings by one of the government’s own ministers that it would likely turn violent. Even after the disturbances erupted and authorities imposed a curfew on the affected areas the police did little to…

  • Lanka asked to probe violence against Muslims

    The Sri Lankan authorities should urgently investigate deadly violence against Muslims by Buddhist hardliners, Human Rights Watch said Friday. The violence, which began June 15 after a rally led by the Buddhist Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS), left at least four Muslims dead, 80 injured, and numerous homes and businesses destroyed in Aluthgama town and surrounding…

  • Floods displace thousands in Lanka

    Floods caused by days of torrential rain have displaced over 100,000 people in Sri Lanka, latest government data showed Friday. The Disaster Management Centre said that 26,688 families comprising 109,075 people have been affected by the rain, floods and landslides as of Friday afternoon, Xinhua reported. At least 23 people were killed and one person…