Category: Afghanistan

  • Afghan Peace Talks Hit Snag Over Ghani Presidency

    By visiting Islamabad and New Delhi, Abdullah Abdullah is positioning himself to step in as soon as the opportunity arises. This is not a process that is likely to reach fruition before the end of the year…writes Saeed Naqvi President Donald Trump and his National Security Adviser, Robert C. O’ Brien are aching to announce…

  • Afghan govt accused of misuse of Covid-19 funds

    Amid reports of a surge in the number of Covid-19 cases in Afghanistan, the Kabul government is facing mounting criticism over alleged misuse of international funds to battle the pandemic, the media reported A Kabul-based anti-corruption organization, Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA), on Friday said the government was not ready to provide the details of the…

  • Trump pulls all troops out of Afghanistan by Xmas

    Reduction of troops and to pull the country out of “endless wars”, have been a part of Trump’s re-election campaign promises…Reports Asian Lite News US President Donald Trump has hinted that American troops stationed in Afghanistan should be “home by Christmas”. The Decision came following an announcement last month that Washington would withdraw thousands of…

  • Abdullah says peace talks will be difficult

    Abdullah Abdullah, Chairman of Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation, has said that the talks between government and the Taliban will be difficult, stating that the Afghan team will face issues that will require hard decisions to be made. “I don’t say that these talks will be very simple, these talks will be very hard.…

  • Much-awaited intra-Afghan talks begin tomorrow

    The Qatar government has announced that the much awaited intra-Afghan talks between the Kabul government and the Taliban will begin in Doha on Saturday. “The Afghanistan peace negotiations will commence in Doha on Saturday… These vital direct negotiations between the different Afghan parties represent a step forward in bringing lasting peace to Afghanistan,” Xinhua news…

  • Afghan Vice President escapes blast

    The Vice President of Afghanistan Amrullah Saleh escaped a bomb attack here on Wednesday morning, an official said. “The bomb blast targeted vehicles of First Vice President Amrullah Saleh. Some last vehicles of the convoy have been affected,” Arian News TV reported. An Interior ministry official told Xinhua that two people were killed and 12…

  • Afghan peace talks likely to begin next week

    Abdullah Abdullah, chairman of the Afghan High Council for National Reconciliation, said he was confident that the much awaited intra-Afghan talks between the Kabul government and the Taliban will begin next week. At an event held in Kabul on Thursday, Abdullah said that the Afghan government’s negotiating team is fully prepared to participate in the…

  • Taliban delegation arrives in Pakistan ahead of peace talks

    Amid the extending wait in the initiation of the all-important intra-Afghan dialogue, a Taliban delegation arrived in Pakistan to discuss the way forward towards the Afghan peace process. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, head of the Afghan Taliban’s political office in Doha, is reportedly leading the high-level delegation. It will meet senior leaders of the Imran…

  • Pakistan sanctions Taliban to evade FATF blacklisting

    At a time when Afghan Taliban, the United States and the Ashraf Ghani government of Afghanistan are on the verge of initiating the intra-Afghan dialogue, Pakistan government has issued a statutory notification, ordering imposition of sanctions on those Afghan Taliban leaders and groups, including the Haqqani Network, who are on the United Nations Security Council…

  • Terror groups join hands to sabotage Afghan peace process

    Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Pakistan-based terror group, has merged with its splinter groups Jamat-ul-Ahrar (JuA) and Hizb-ul-Ahrar (HuA) in Afghanistan to re-align and re-establish itself to carry out terror activities aimed at sabotaging the ongoing peace process in Afghanistan along with targeting neighbouring Pakistan. Reliable sources have informed that representatives from TTP, JUA and HuA…

  • Rockets strike Kabul on Independence Day

    Fourteen rockets hit a diplomatic district and other neighbourhoods of Kabul on Tuesday injuring a total of 10 people, as Afghanistan marked its 101st Independence Day, a spokesman of the Interior Ministry confirmed. “At 9.36 a.m. 14 rounds of rockets were fired from two sedans from Police District 8 and Police District 17 into the…

  • Hundreds Protest in Spin Boldak Against Pakistan

    Hundreds of Afghans staged a protest in Spin Boldak district to condemn last week’s deadly incident at Chaman crossing between Afghanistan and Pakistan. On July 31, at least nine civilians were killed and 50 others were wounded in Pakistani forces artillery attacks on “residential areas” in Spin Boldak district, Kandahar province, the Afghan Defense Ministry…

  • Taliban attack on Afghan parliament

    At least 21 people were injured when a string of explosions rocked the Afghan parliament complex and a gun battle ensued between Taliban militants and security forces, officials said. According to eyewitnesses, a car bomb exploded at the gate of the parliament premises, leaving dozens of people, including five women, injured, According to interior ministry…

  • Modi speaks to South Asian counterparts ahead of Ramadan

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke over telephone to his Pakistan and Bangladesh counterparts, Nawaz Sharif and Sheikh Hasina, and Afghan President Ashran Ghani and conveyed to them good wishes for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, an official statement said. In his conversation with Sharif, Modi reiterated his message of “peaceful, friendly and cooperative” relations…

  • Pakistan, Afghan sign landmark deal

    Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and the Afghan intelligence outfit National Directorate of Security (NDS) have signed a landmark deal for cooperation aimed at curbing terrorism. The agreement signed in Kabul some time last week, was officially announced by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) on Twitter, Dawn online reported . “MoU signed by…

  • Joy and sorrow in Kochi for two families

    By Sanu George  Strange are the ways of life as is evident in this commercial capital of the state: a Keralite family is weeping as one of its members was shot dead in Afghanistan, while in a nearby hospital, an Afghan national is elated as he has got a new pair of hands from a…

  • We are one in fighting terror, Modi to Ghani

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Afghan President Ashraf Ghani that both their nations were “one” in fighting terror, after a Taliban attack in Kabul killed 14 people, including four Indians. “Spoke to President @ashrafghani & offered condolences on loss of lives due to the Kabul attack. We are one when it comes to fighting terror,”…

  • Four Indians killed in Kabul attack

     Four Indians were among 14 people killed in a suspected Taliban attack on a guesthouse in Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul overnight on, an Indian embassy source said . “Four Indians, including a lady, were killed in the attack,” the source said over telephone. “Nine other foreigners were also killed in the attack,” the source added.…

  • Sharif arrives in Kabul

    Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif arrived in Afghanistan on a one-day official visit. Sharif is accompanied by his Advisor on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Sartaj Aziz, army chief General Raheel Sharif, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and other senior officials, Khaama Press reported. Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabani received the…

  • Afghan gets a pair of hands from a Keralite

    By Sanu George  Thirty-two-year-old Abdul Rahim, a former captain with the Afghan security Force has now got a fresh pair of hands, thanks to a brain-dead Keralite and to a team of doctors at a leading private hospital here who conducted the double transplant. The surgery was conducted on April 10 by a team of…

  • Sharif chairs high-level meet

    Prior to an important Afghanistan visit, Pakistan Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif chaired a high-level meeting here to discuss the dimensions related to Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. Sharif, accompanied by his army chief Gen. Raheel Sharif, will be going on a two-day visit to Afghanistan on Tuesday following an invitation from President Ashraf Ghani. “This will be Sharif’s…

  • Kabul retakes Taliban district

    Afghan security forces recaptured Nawa district in Afghanistan’s eastern Ghazni province and established government control there after 10 years of Taliban rule, an official said. “Units of national security forces after 13 days of fierce operations evicted Taliban militants from Nawa district and established government control there for the first time in the past 10…

  • Ghani, Modi hold delegation level talks

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani met here  for delegation level talks. The talks are being held at Hyderabad House. President Ghani earlier met External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, who called on him at the Dwarka Suite of Rashtrapati Bhavan. Earlier, Ghani was accorded a ceremonial welcome at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Several union…

  • Ashraf Ghani to visit India

      Afghanistan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani will be in India for a three-day state visit and will meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and attend delegation-level talks. Scheduled to arrive here at 8 p.m. on Monday, Ghani will receive a ceremonial welcome at Rashtrapati Bhavan and hold talks with President Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday. A communique…

  • South Asia’s concern of growing Pak nuclear arsenal

    By Arun Kumar  Noting that “Pakistan, with the world’s fastest-growing nuclear arsenal, is unquestionably the biggest concern,” in South Asia, a leading US daily wants major powers to turn their attention towards it after finalising the Iran deal. Citing several recent developments, the New York Times said in an editorial that “These investments reflect the…

  • Taliban attack Afghan police headquarters

    At least 24 people, including 20 policemen, were killed and nine wounded in Afghanistan’s Logar province after a group of Taliban militants attacked the police headquarters, media reports said. Four attackers armed with guns and wearing suicide vests arrived in a car at the eastern Afghan province’s police headquarters in the provincial capital of Pul-e-Alam,…

  • Sartaj Aziz accuse India for attacks

    Pakistan prime minister’s key advisor Sartaj Aziz has said India is using the Afghan soil to carry out attacks against Pakistan. However, Indian involvement had decreased since the adoption of a joint Pakistan-Afghanistan policy to not let their respective territories be used against each other, Dawn online cited the prime minister’s advisor on National Security…

  • No Afghan cabinet yet after 100 days

    The Afghan presidential inauguration marked its first 100 days Tuesday but the government has yet to form a cabinet, although President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani vowed in his maiden speech Sep 29 to form a cabinet within 45 days. Presidential spokesman Nazifullah Salarzai said last week that the ministers-designate would be introduced within days. All ministries…

  • Afghans take over reins of security from NATO

      Afghan President Ashraf Ghani announced that the country’s forces took over security responsibilities from the US-led coalition forces, which ended their 13-year-long combat mission in Afghanistan . President Ghani hailed the official transition of security responsibilities from the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)-led international forces to the Afghan troops, according to media reports Thursday.…

  • India warns of trans-border terror threats

    By Arul Louis As the UN-mandated international combat mission in Afghanistan enters its final days after a democratic transfer of power in Kabul, a Security Council debate put the spotlight on the terrorist threats to the fragile nation with India warning of the support extremists get from “beyond borders” and tying together the this week’s…

  • NATO bombing kills schoolboys in Afghanistan

    Five schoolboys were killed in a NATO airstrike in Parwan province in eastern Afghanistan, an Afghan police source told Efe news agency, but the incident could not be immediately confirmed by the international alliance. The victims, aged between 16 and 19, were playing volleyball in Seyagard district when the bombing took place Wednesday, according to…

  • Afghan reform agenda hailed

      The international community welcomed Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s reform agenda for his country at a conference in London. Britain and Afghanistan co-hosted the London conference to discuss Afghanistan’s future and international support for it after the withdrawal of NATO-led coalition forces by the end of 2014, Xinhua reported. The conference was attended by Afghan…

  • Sharif to attend London conference on Afghanistan

    Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif would be visiting Britain to attend the London Conference on Afghanistan, a foreign ministry statement said . The conference is scheduled to be held Dec 3-4. British Prime Minister David Cameron had telephoned Sharif Oct 28 and invited him to participate in the conference. The conference will be co-hosted by…

  • Modi skip Sharif and meet the rest

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi held talks with leaders of four South Asian nations on the sidelines of 18th Saarc Summit here , but the conspicuous absence from the meeting list was Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. He held talks with Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bhutan Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgey and Afghani…

  • Let’s walk in step, Modi tells SAARC

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday exhorted the eight neighbouring nations of the south Asian regional grouping Saarc to “walk in step” as he proposed a slew of measures, including ease for business travel, a level playing field in trade, and initiatives in healthcare and tourism. Modi, in his maiden speech to the South Asian…

  • Saarc must act for economic integration: Modi

      Prime Minister Narendra Modi  called for a better economic  integration among Saarc, expressing concern that under 5 percent of the region’s global trade takes place between its eight member countries. The Indian prime minister also promised a special funding vehicle, overseen by his country, to finance infrastructure projects in the region, while also proposing…

  • India calls for collective response to terrorism

      India  said that terrorism is the biggest challenge the South Asian region faces and called for collective response to it. India also reiterated its “sincere and abiding commitment” towards regional peace, prosperity and development in South Asia. India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj in her opening statement at the SAARC Council of Ministers Meeting…

  • Afghanistan suicide attack toll hits 57

      The toll in the suicide bomb attack at a volleyball match in Afghanistan at the weekend has risen to 57, with 66 injured being treated in hospital, authorities said . According to the government of Paktika province where the attack took place, 42 people were killed on the spot in the blast Sunday and…

  • Saarc summit to focus on peace & unity

    By Anil Giri   The forthcoming 18th Saarc Summit to be held in Kathmandu will focus on installing durable peace and prosperity among the member states and will give utmost priority to regional unity, Nepal’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Mahendra Bahadur Pandey said. The theme of the summit is “deeper integration for peace and prosperity”, and…

  • Ghani visit to thaw ties with Pakistan

    Afghans eye president’s visit to Pakistan with optimism Political observers here viewed the ongoing visit by Afghan president Mohammad Ashraf Ghani to Pakistan with optimism, saying it would lead to a new chapter in relations between the two immediate neighbours. President Ghani embarked on a two-day official visit to Pakistan Friday with the objective of…

  • China to help Afghan projects

    China is willing to participate in Afghanistan’s infrastructure construction, Premier Li Keqiang said . Li made the remarks while meeting visiting Afghan President Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Xinhua reported. Any country that wanted to realise national prosperity and improve people’s livelihood needed a safe, stable and harmonious…

  • UN discusses Afghan security

    The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Jan Kubis Monday met with top Pakistani advisers in Islamabad and discussed the recent developments in Afghanistan and in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, officials said. Pakistani leaders assured full “support for the United Nations in dealing with issues post-2014” as most of the foreign troops are on their exit from…

  • Modi assures Afghan president of India’s support

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi y assured Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani of New Delhi’s support in Kabul’s efforts to build a strong and prosperous nation and said India will stand as a friend and partner in the endeavour. Modi spoke  with Ghani over phone and congratulated him on his election as president of Afghanistan, a statement…

  • Obama hails security deal with Afghanistan

    US President Barack Obama hailed it as “a historic day” as the US and Afghanistan signed a bilateral security agreement that allows the residual American troops to stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014. “Today we mark a historic day in the US-Afghan partnership that will help advance our shared interests and the long-term security of Afghanistan,”…

  • Afghan-US Security Agreement signed

      Afghanistan and the US  signed the long-awaited Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) to allow a limited number of troops to remain in Afghanistan after the drawdown later this year of the NATO-led troops in the country. Afghan Presidential Advisor on National Security Mohammad Hanif Atmar and US Ambassador to Afghanistan James B. Cunningham signed the…

  • Ahmadzai sworn in as Afghan president

    Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai was sworn in Monday as the new president of Afghanistan in a ceremony at the presidential palace here. The former finance minister was inaugurated, marking Afghanistan’s first democratic transfer of power since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, Al Jazeera reported. Ghani succeeds Hamid Karzai after a three-month standoff over disputed…

  • Afghan govt to ink Security Agreement

    Afghan presidential advisor on national security Rangin Dadfar Spanta Saturday said that the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Kabul and Washington would be signed Tuesday. “I am in favour of inking bilateral security agreement with US and NATO,” Spanta said at a security conference opened in Herat city. The presidential inauguration ceremony is scheduled for…

  • Afghan leaders urged to act on rights

    Afghanistan’s new president Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah should focus efforts on tackling the country’s persistent human rights problems, Human Rights Watch said Friday. In a letter to the new unity government, the US-based group made specific recommendations to strengthen accountability for security forces, advance women’s rights, protect the media, revitalize the Afghanistan…

  • Pakistan tight lipped on Karzai allegations

    The Pakistan Foreign Office has declined to react to allegations levelled by the outgoing Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai over a peace settlement with the Taliban, media reported Friday. “There will be a new government in Afghanistan shortly and we look forward to working with them closely,” spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said at weekly Foreign Office news…

  • Karzai’s formula for Afghan peace

    Outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai Tuesday said that returning durable peace to his conflict-ridden country depends on the cooperation from the US and Pakistan. “Peace in Afghanistan depends on America and Pakistan. If they want, peace will return to Afghanistan; otherwise not,” Karzai said in his farewell address to the nation. He said the reason…