‘It’s About Time’ we talk organ donation


Aqilah Mohamed and Sairah Elahi both appeared in the It’s About Time video.
Aqilah Mohamed and Sairah Elahi both appeared in the It’s About Time video.

An award winning Angela Ditchfield, a Specialist Organ Donation Nurse at East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust and a community group One Voice have joined forces to launch an organ donation campaign that is directed towards the BME community in Blackburn and Darwen, reports Asian Lite best newspaper for British Asians.

As part of the Mary Seacole Leadership Award 2014 for her work with black and minority ethnic communities, Angela has produced a video – It’s About Time – aimed at the local communities of Blackburn, with the help of community group One Voice.

It’s About Time is a Mary Seacole Award Production in association with East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, NHS Health Education England and One Voice.

It’s About Time will be officially launched on 9th June where the video will be viewed for the first time. The video will be available via social media from 6.00pm on 9th June 2015.

The short film features student actors from Blackburn and has been filmed in various locations throughout the town. The campaign aims to highlight awareness of organ donation within the local communities.

Angela Ditchfield said, “This is a wonderful opportunity to begin to raise awareness about organ donation within the local BAME community and to ensure that everyone understands the impact that organ donation can have on a community.

“Through my work as Specialist Nurse, I have seen how organ transplantation can have a huge and life changing impact on people’s lives.

Angela Ditchfield
Angela Ditchfield

“The campaign is a fantastic channel to spread that message to the local community of Blackburn and Darwen.

One Voice Head of Communications Zaffer Khan, who also directed the video, said, “We are very proud in producing a campaign to raise awareness of organ donation in the BME community in Blackburn and Darwen.

“It’s About Time has highlighted a health issue that has been, to a large extent, shunned by the community. Ultimately our aim is to make effective health improvements in the community.

“The Baiter Sehat project, with Blackburn and Darwen Council, was recognised nationally last year when it received the Excellence in Health Award by the Department of Health. And organ donation was part of that project. We hope to continue this important work with this vital campaign.”