Cameron to focus on economy


Prime Minister David Cameron will face the 2015 elections on his economic credentials, Asian Lite can reveal.

As the party lost about 180 seats in the local councils to Ukip and Labour, the Tory leader in a message to its members and supporters said the future of Britain is safe in his hands.

The prime minister said: I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the efforts made by Conservative supporters across the country over the past few weeks: the doors you knocked on, the leaflets you delivered, the conversations you had with friends, family and strangers about our plan to deliver real change in Europe and provide good local government that costs less.

“Whatever the results, I feel immensely proud of the campaign we fought together. Now we must continue our focus on the big issues facing Britain.

“We need to carry on reducing the deficit to safeguard our economy for the long term. We need to keep on backing businesses so they can create even more jobs and give even more people the security of a pay packet each month.

“We need to continue to control immigration and fix the welfare system so our economy delivers for those who want to work hard and play by the rules.

In 2015, the British people will face a choice: between a long-term economic plan which is securing a better future for Britain and the same old Labour Party offering only more spending, more borrowing and more taxes.

If we’re going to win that election, we need the support of every Conservative in the country.