Parents key to stopping young people leaving for Syria


Parents should take the opportunity this weekend with schools on a break, to sit down with their families to talk about the difficult issues of radicalisation and extremism, says UK-based organisation Families Against Stress and Trauma (FAST).

Media reports yesterday suggested teachers are very concerned that pupils may use the bank holiday break to try to travel to Syria and Iraq.

In order to stop this, FAST encourage families to take action to safeguard their children from the risks posed by extremists who are targeting vulnerable young people online.

Even if parents don’t think their child is at risk, it is important that all parents take the opportunity to have a frank and open discussion with their children about what is happening.

 Families Against Stress and Trauma (FAST) is an organisation which provides support to vulnerable families and individuals at risk of radicalisation.

Saleha Jaffer, founder of Families Against Stress and Trauma, said: “Enough is enough. We can no longer sit by and watch as children from across the country are stolen from families by the lies and false promises made by extremists.

“As parents it is important that we take responsibility and play our part in stopping children travelling to Syria or Iraq, to join perpetrators of the most evil and heinous crimes.

“It is vital that we understand the risks our children face and are able to engage with them in order to have a frank and honest two-way conversation about this complicated subject. The long weekend offers the chance for families to take the time to listen to their children’s thoughts on the difficult topics that have been hitting in the headlines in recent months and offer advice and support if they are feeling alone or confused by what they are hearing and seeing.”