Navia Natrajan at Nehru Centre today

Indian classical danseuse Navia Natrajan will perform at the Nehru Centre on Thursday 19th May at 6.30 pm.

Navia Natrajan
Navia Natrajan

A classicalist through and through, Navia Natarajan, imbues her performances with the elements of theatre, conceptual movement and Yoga. She stays true to the path of the Margam – the prescribed order that Bharatanatyam follows – which stands at the core of her practice.

PARASHAKTI: This classical dance piece is an ode to the Devi, the feminine principle of creation or Shakti that courses through the cosmos. Th rough her evocative movements and choreography, Navia uncovers the many faces of the divine goddess, compassionate and fi erce, all-loving and wrathful

VARNAM: Th e central piece in a Bharatanatyam repertoire, which tests the artist’s ability to explore the various facets of the dance form. Th e chosen piece is on Shiva.

AGNI: Navia is not only a brilliant performer, but an intrepid choreographer and explorer of art and life. She uses the ancient art of Bharatanatyam to burrow into the nature of love, desire and the infi nite and to throw light on the mysteries of the human heart. Th is oft en leads her down grey and uncharted terrains.