Khan seeks EU/Arab strategy to fight terrorism

Afzal Khan MEP
Afzal Khan MEP

North West MEP, Afzal Khan, has called for Europe and the Arab League states to pursue a joint strategy aimed at tackling terrorism and preventing the radicalization of young people, during a European Parliament debate on Wednesday evening (11th March).

Speaking in the EP debate on terrorism, Afzal Khan MEP, said:

“Terrorism is a global threat and only global cooperation can defeat the terrorist agenda and all those that support it.

“Europe and the Arab league states must pursue a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy that tackles the root causes of radicalization with particular focus on the economic and social situation of the younger generation in many of these countries.

“Young people must be inspired by values of mutual respect and an inclusive society, so that we stop the vicious cycle of violence.

Afzal Khan also warned that any new strategy must not repeat the mistakes of the post 9/11 ‘war on terror’, which increased radicalisation and discontent, saying:

“It is vital that the cooperation avoids the mistakes of the past.

“The global war on terror proclaimed in the aftermath of 9/11 involved measures that violated fundamental rights and international law.

“Respect for human rights and the rule of law must not fall victim to combating terrorism. These must be the bedrock of it.

“Many regimes have used repressive methods and emergency legislation to crush dissent. Repression provokes discontent and radicalisation setting off a cycle of violence.”

“We need to work together, as we are all facing the same threat.”