Crackdown on Motorists on Phone

Manchester Police book 285 motorists dueing a week-long Crackdown on Motorists on Phone…reports Asian Lite News

Mobile phone
Mobile phone

Two hundred and eighty five (285) motorists were caught on their mobile phone during a week-long crackdown by traffic police in Manchester.

Traffic officers took part in the week of action as part of a national campaign to target driver distraction.

Of those caught, 219 were men and 119 were between the ages of 25 and 34.

The majority of offenders received a traffic offence report*, while others received a summons or verbal warning. Some may be offered a course instead of prosecution.

Inspector Tony Allt from the Roads Policing Unit said: “While this operation focussed on mobile phone users, other distractions can include things such as eating at the wheel, applying make-up or programming sat-navs.

“Few offences generate such public displeasure as motorists using their mobile at the wheel and it easy to see why; the consequences can be devastating and are often completely avoidable.

“Tackling these types of offences is daily business for our roads policing team and our advice to motorists is to switch their phone off or silence it while on the move.  If you do need to make a call, pull over in a safe place before doing so. “