Labour pushes No wagon

‘Our families didn’t come to live in Scotland or England. They came to live in the UK’

Afzal%20Khan MEP campaigns along with Labour leader Ed Miliband and others in Glasgow
Afzal%20Khan MEP campaigns along with Labour leader Ed Miliband and others in Glasgow

Prominent British-Asian leaders like Sadiq Khan MP and Afzal%20Khan MEP support the No campaign in Scotland.  Afzal%20Khan, MEP from the North-West, campaign along with Ed Miliband to bag the undecided votes for the No basket.

Sadiq Khan MP, Labour’s Shadow Justice Secretary, and the first Muslim to attend British Cabinet, will be campaigning against Scottish independence in Glasgow next week.

In a direct appeal to ethnic minority voters in Scotland, Sadiq said:  “My message to ethnic minority people in Scotland is clear: There is more that unites us than divides us. As immigrants to this country, or the children of immigrants, we understand the value of unity and togetherness better than anyone. Our families didn’t come to live in Scotland or England. They came to live in the United Kingdom.

“Our countries are stronger together. We can only change our country for the better together. Our nations have an amazing history which proves the strength of solidarity. Together we won workers’ rights for people across the UK, with Scottish trade unions taking the lead. We have lead the fight against racial discrimination and inequality, together.

“We fought and beat Fascism together and fought for freedom all over the world. We built a National Health Service – Scots, and English and Welsh working together. And, together we secured a National Minimum Wage. We must vote to stay together on Thursday.”