China calls for ceasefire in Gaza


 Palestinians gather around the bodies of the boys of Baker family, at a mosque before their funeral in Gaza City, on July 16, 2014. A new Israeli war jets airstrike on western Gaza city killed on Wednesday four Palestinian children and wounded ten others while they were on the beach of Gaza, medics and witnesses said.
Palestinians gather around the bodies of the boys of Baker family, at a mosque before their funeral in Gaza City. A new Israeli war jets airstrike on western Gaza city killed on Wednesday four Palestinian children and wounded ten others while they were on the beach of Gaza, medics and witnesses said.

China has appealed for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza Strip between Israel and Palestine’s Hamas and avoiding of any military ground operations and other actions that may lead to further escalation of the crisis.

Liu Jieyi, China’s permanent representative to the UN, made the appeal at an emergency meeting of the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, Xinhua reported.

“We urge parties concerned to immediately cease hostilities, withdraw their ground troops from Gaza, completely lift the blockade against Gaza and give access to UN and other international humanitarian aid agencies so as to ease the misery of the local population.”

“In spite of repeated calls from the international community, Israel has continued with its large scale aerial bombardments against Gaza and has launched a ground invasion into Gaza leading to heavy civilian causalities including those of women and children,” Liu said.

The envoy expressed deep concern and sadness at this development.

“China condemns any abuse of force, whatever the excuse is, any action that causes heavy causalities among innocent civilians is unacceptable,” he said. “Instead of solving problems, force will only lead to more bloodshed and destruction and greater hatred.”

Liu also voiced China’s disappointment that the humanitarian truce did not lead to a sustained ceasefire.