Just read about the Baltimore Mom who spotted her teenage son taking part in the present riots and marched up to him as he was proceeding to combat the police and larrupped him one. ONE RESOUNDING WHACK.
Then she dragged him back home yelling, whatchathinkyouaredoing.
Good for you lady. Far too many young men and women eating off the home think they know everything. Like parents are now so running scared of their kids they are literally being blackmailed.
I am paying for your college, I am paying for your clothes and your roof, you don’t go hostile on me.
It must have struck a chord in thousands of parents around the world because the picture has gone super viral. There must be parents saying, yes, yes, this is the natural order, not the other way around. Constantly pandering to these kids, many of whom think they are owed a living and mum and dad are just providers and they better provide… I want, I want being the whine, GIMME, GIMME.
You see it in stark colours in India. A whole middle class hitting the liquidity level and spending like crazy. Expensive phones, computers, gadgets, anything new they have to have it. Teenagers in souped up cars (daddy gave the key) alcohol the dangerous fuel, a freewheeling arrogance as if they were someone special and the parents cowering in the background so afraid of rejection they don’t only condone their children’s lack of manners they find virtue in such conduct.
What’s happened that parents are so afraid, you have an answer. Tell us about that.