‘Kidney Priest’ on a mission in Britain

Father Davis Chirammel, who revolutionised the organ donation trends in India by donating a kidney to an ailing stranger, took his campaign to Britain with the support of NHS and Delete Blood Cancer…reports Asian Lite News

Fr Chiramel with Imam Sidiq Diwan and Ashit Sinha -
Fr Chiramel with Imam Sidiq Diwan and Ashit Sinha –

Father Chiramel is a patron of UK charity Upahaar which promotes blood, organ and stem cell donation among South Asians. More than 1500 patients from the Asian communities in Britain are waiting for a matching kidney donor. The campaign will be a boon to them.

Father Chiramel, popularly known as Kidney Priest of India, has travelled over 5000 miles and attended 60 community meetings and roadshows across the country in the last two weeks as part of the Gift of Life campaign. The campaign aimed to encourage more people to join the organ and stem cell donation register. The Catholic priest’s British campaign was launched by a Muslim cleric in the presence of a Hindu priest.

Mr Siddiq Diwan, Imam at Central Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, inaugurated the campaign at Gandhihall Hindu Temple, Manchester, in the presence of British Hindu Forum’s Ashit Sinha and Withington MP Jeff Smith besides several social, political and religious leaders. The campaign will end tomorrow (June 6- Saturday) at an event in London. Mayoress Manju Shaul Hameed and other dignitorries will attend the event at 3pm.  ( St.Gregorios Indian Orthodox Church, Cranfield Road, Brockley, London. SE4 1UF.)

Father Chiramel attended several meetings including Glasgow, Sunderland, Leeds, Sheffield, Rotherham, Oxford, Bristol, Essex, Gloucester, Cardiff, Basingstoke and Essex. The campaign team include several doctors and nurses working with the NHS.
It is a known fact that the chance of getting matched donors for both organ and bone marrow transplantation is more from same ethnic communities. Therefore, the charity Upahaar recognises the importance of more people from South Asian background to join he organ and blood stem cell donor registry. This will help south Asian patients who are waiting for matched organ donors and blood stem cell donors for their survival.

Fr Chiramel with kidney donor Francis Assi and recipient Aromal
Fr Chiramel with kidney donor Francis Assi and recipient Aromal

Father Chiramel said the best legacy for a person to leave in this life is helping a fellow being to carry on with his life.
“A person who helps a fellow being to survive will live for ever,” said Father Chiramel. “He will be remembered by his family and community for sacrificing something for the survival of a human being. Sharing life is next to godliness. Only a few people will get that opportunity and by joining with the organ and stem cell donation register, you are striving to be part of the humanity.
Father Chiramel said a person can leave his body to worms or to flames.
“He will be erased from this world within weeks or months,” Father Chiramel added. “But If he let his body to be used for the survival of fellow beings, he will get a chance to live more and will be remember for ever for his Gift of Life to humanity.”
“Life is a gift of god and its value increases by sharing with fellow human beings,” Father Chiramel added.” I believe Upahaar will spread the message of saving and sharing precious life with people in distress.”
Several prominent organisations and media are supporting the campaign. This include NHS BT, Delete Blood Cancer UK, UUKMA, Cardiff Malayalee association, Scotland Malayalee Association, Gloucester Malayalee Association, BRISKA, Wales Tamil Sangam, Muslim Health Network, National Council of Kerala Hindu Heritage, Asian Lite Newspaper, Kerala Link, British Malayalee Charity Foundation, UK Malayalam News, European Malayalam news, British Pathram and Friends Sporting Club.