Category: YOUR BLOG

  • INTERVIEW: Doctor P aka Shaun

    I think streaming music has allowed artists to self-release music without the need to pay a record label. It’s really opened up the music industry to allow talent to rise to the top more easily. Doctor P aka Shaun Brockhurst talks to Siddharth Jha  American Electronic Dance Music artist Doctor P, aka Shaun Brockhurst, who performed in…

  • ‘Cord blood banks fooling the public’

    Experts says private cord blood banks in India are fooling the public…writes K.S. Jayaraman  Cord blood banking (CBB) with dubious benefits has become a money-making scam in India and needs tighter control to protect gullible parents from being exploited, top medical researchers say. Blood collected from umbilical chord after child birth is a rich source of…

  • Has civilisation really passed India by?

    In my experience it is mainly the women in our society who condition their daughters to be controlled firstly in their fathers household and then in their husbands household. We are married and the subservience continues…writes Narender Kaur After the harrowing reports of the rapes recently in India the question of the backward mind set…