Category: World News

  • Dewsbury in shock over UK’s ‘youngest suicide bomber’

    Community leaders in the home town of a West Yorkshire teenager who reportedly carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq have spoken of their shock at the news. Dewsbury councillor Masood Ahmed said Talha Asmal, 17, was “no different” from other teenagers and that people in the town were “shocked and devastated”. And Asmal’s school…

  • Hillary launch her presidential campaign

    U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at a rally for her official presidential campaign launch at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island in New York City, the United States.

  • Israel claims Gaza offensive ‘lawful’

    Israel released an official report on its military campaign against the Gaza Strip last summer, claiming that its massive offensive was lawful, while accusing the Islamic Hamas movement of committing “war crimes and crimes against humanity”. The 277-page report was issued in an attempt to forestall the upcoming release of findings by a UN-appointed team…

  • ‘Like’ it or not, Facebook knows you well

    We already know that we only get the similar kind of content in our Facebook feed that we like/share/comment on. That’s called echo effect. But we don’t always press ‘like’ or ‘share’ buttons on every post that pops up in our Facebook feed, even if we like it or care about it. Now, Facebook would…

  • Pakistan suspends ban on Save the Children

    Pakistan’s interior ministry has suspended its order to shut down Save the Children international aid organisation in the country, a media report said ….reports Asian Lite News. An assistant commissioner of Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) administration, along with the local police on June 11, sealed the organisation’s country office located on Margalla Road of Islamabad…

  • From US to Himalayas in search of ….

    Karan Bajaj, the author of best selling The Seeker, says his journey from New York to Himalayas inspired the book…. Kavita Bajeli-Datt meets Karan  He left his cushy job as a top executive in a New York firm to search for that elusive answer about death and suffering. After a year-long sabbatical through a Buddhist retreat in the…

  • Hillary in ‘Rendezvous with destiny – II’

    Hillary Clinton began her second “rendezvous with destiny” with a promise to make new policies designed to benefit the middle class if she is elected America’s first woman president….writes Arun Kumar Addressing the first major rally of her 2016 presidential run from New York City’s Roosevelt Island in a state that she represented as senator…

  • Brown says Tories are now ‘English nationalist party’

    Former prime minister Gordon Brown accused the ruling Conservative Party of fuelling nationalism for political gains….writes Asian Lite News “The Conservatives are a greater threat to Scotland staying in the UK than the Scottish National Party,” Brown wrote in an article in the Guardian. Brown said the Tories had alienated Scots by talking up the…

  • Three NRI’s shortlisted for White House Fellowship

      Three Indian Americans are among the national finalists for the 2015-16 White House Fellowship that offers exceptional Americans first-hand experience working at the highest levels of the federal government…reports Asian Lite News. By Arun Kumar Luxme Hariharan, Payal Patel and Anil Yallapragada are among those representing “an accomplished and diverse cross-section of professionals from…

  • Prison worker admits helping inmates escape

    A woman admitted to authorities that she helped two inmates escape from a maximum security prison a week ago in New York state. Prison worker Joyce Mitchell, 51, told state police investigators that she provided the prisoners, who are still at large, with access to a cell phone and brought them “contraband” tools at the…

  • China may censor digital journalism

    The Chinese authorities for the press and publications, responsible for censorship in China, have announced a bill that would prohibit web pages and portals from producing news by themselves and impose censorship on such content. Under the bill, released in a statement by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, internet information…

  • Queen honours Henry, Harry & Munir

    Actor/charity fund raise Lenny Henry, Professor Harshad Kumar Dharamshi, Professor Munir Hussein Pirmohamed were among honoured in the Queen’s 2015 birthday honours list…reports Asian Lite News In total, 1,163 people are recognised in the 2015 birthday honours, ranging in age from 103-year-old Dr William Frankland, a pioneer in allergy research who receives an MBE, to…

  • Filmi fashionistas on prowl !

    THE GQ Magazine annual Best Dressed Men event is an important day for Mumbai, the commercial capital of India and the base of Bollywood. Filmi heroes and heroines show their best item in their wardrobe to a battalion of photographers. Asian Lite News capture some of them

  • Nude Pics girl Heading Home

     British woman and three fellow tourists are being deported from Malaysia after being sentenced to three days in jail and fined £1,000 for posing naked on a sacred mountain. Eleanor Hawkins, 23, and Canadian siblings Danielle and Lindsey Petersen, and Dylan Snel from the Netherlands – have already spent three days in custody leading up…

  • Six Guantanamo detainees transferred to Oman

    The US has transferred six lower-level detainees from the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where each were held for over 13 years, the US military announced. The departures to Oman were the first from the prison in six months and reduced the inmate population to 116, The New York Times reported. The six men are…

  • YouTube to launch gaming app

    YouTube has announced that it will launch a separate site, app for gaming videos. To be called YouTube Gaming, the site will look to compete with video service giants like Twitch and Steam Broadcasting. While Twitch is an Amazon-owned streaming service that allows gaming fans to watch, interact with live broadcasts of other gamers playing…

  • I trust Hillary with my life: Bill Clinton

    Amid Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run, former president Bill Clinton says he trusts his wife with his life. “Whenever I had trouble, she was a rock in our family,” he said opening up about his relationship with Hillary in an interview with CNN set to air Sunday. “I trust her with my life, and have…

  • US asks India, Pakistan to cool down

    “We encourage India and Pakistan to take those kinds of steps, and we believe that India and Pakistan each have a mutual interest in addressing the threat posed by violent extremism and terrorism,” By Arun Kumar  While declining comment on India’s surgical strike on militants in Myanmar, the US has asked India and Pakistan to…

  • Interpol suspends agreement with FIFA

    The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) suspended its 10-year partnership deal with world football’s governing body FIFA over its corruption scandal. Interpol announced the decision to suspend its Integrity in Sport programme, a 10-year project funded by a $22 million donation from FIFA. The decision would see the world police body freeze the use of…

  • Delay continues in issuing US visas worldwide

    There has been a worldwide delay in issuing US passports and visas due to technical problems for some time. It is not specific to any particular country, the US embassy clarified, while apologising for the delay. “The department of state’s bureau of consular affairs is currently experiencing technical problems with our overseas passport and visa…

  • Former IMF chief acquitted of pimping

    A French court acquitted former International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn of pimping. Strauss-Kahn, 66 — widely known by his initials DSK — was accused of helping to procure sex workers for an alleged prostitution ring based at a hotel in Lille, BBC reported. He stood, alongside 13 co-defendants, charged with “aggravated pimping”. Strauss-Kahn…

  • Role of doctors in CIA tortures condemned

    Doctors, psychologists and lawyers played a key role in rationalising torture methods practised in clandestine CIA detention centres, according to an article published in the US-based New England Journal of Medicine. The publication based its article on data from a report last year by the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that revealed CIA tortures…

  • Most US companies inactive on social media

    Many of America’s most admired companies are not very active on social media, reveals a study. Several firms on Fortune Magazine’s list of America’s most admired companies are failing to achieve basic social media standards, according to Marcia DiStaso, associate professor of public relations at Penn State. “We were surprised that not all the companies…

  • Merkel refuse a third Greek aid plan

    Germany refuses a further aid programme for Greece even if agreement was reached between Athens and its international lenders on a cash-for-reforms deal. German newspaper Bild said that instead of a third aid programme, the current second aid programme could be extended and broadened with funds from other programmes such as the €10.9bn (£7.9bn) originally set…

  • British girl pleads guilty in Naked Mountain Pose

    British woman Eleanor Hawkins has pleaded guilty to posing naked on a sacred Malaysian mountain. Eleanor Hawkins, 23, admitted the offence of obscene acts in public during her short court appearance alongside three others – Canadian siblings Danielle and Lindsey Petersen, and an unnamed Dutch man reports Sky News. She confirmed her name and was then…

  • Newspaper King to step down

    Rupert Murdoch will step down as CEO of 21st Century Fox. His son James will replace him. Chief Operating Officer Chase Carey will also step down, reports Huffington Post. According to both CNN and CNBC, Murdoch will stay on as executive chairman of the media corporation, which consists of Fox News and the film studio 20th…

  • Pope tells Putin to find peace in Ukraine

    Pope Francis urged Russia’s President Vladimir Putin to make “a sincere and major effort” for peace in Ukraine, which together with the Middle East was the focus of talks between the two leaders at the Vatican. “Regarding Ukraine, the Holy Father stressed that a sincere and major effort is needed to achieve peace,” said Vatican…

  • NEWS N PICS: Bamyan Budha Returns & others

    Asian Lite News provides a selection of pictures from the world events

  • UK to honour 3000 Ebola fighters

    The British government has set out the details of a new medal that will recognise the bravery and hard work of thousands of people who helped to tackle Ebola in West Africa….reports Asian Lite News  The medal is expected to go to over 3,000 people who travelled from the UK to work in high risk…

  • African leaders urged to stem migration

    African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma urged African leaders to do everything they can to stop the migrant crisis as a new wave of African migration to Europe has made international headlines. Failure to do so would risk reversing the gains the continent has made in the past decade, Dlamini-Zuma said at the 25th…

  • EU thaws ties with Latin America

    European Commission (EC) president Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Council chief Donald Tusk and Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa concluded a “fruitfull” summit that brought together the leaders the European Union and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), Efe news agency reported. Correa, whose country chairs the pro-tempore presidency of Celac for this year,…

  • Ramadan advice for diabetics

    Muslim diabetics have been urged not to put their health at risk by fasting during the forthcoming month of Ramadan…reports Asian Lite News Throughout Ramadan most Muslims are required to refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours. But diabetics are exempt from this if fasting would put their health at risk. Going without food…

  • 50% rise in child labour in Indian urban areas

    Child labour in urban India increased by over 50 percent between 2001 and 2011, a report by NGO CRY said , highlighting the links to the rise in migration…..reports Asian Lite News. An analysis of the census data by CRY (Child Rights and You) said child labour in urban areas in the country increased by…

  • British Nobel laureate quits after criticising women

    “Let me tell you about my trouble with girls… Three things happen when they are in the lab… You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry,” the 72-year-old said, prompting his resignation.   English scientist Tim Hunt, awarded the Nobel Prize in physiology and…

  • Israel denies reports on cyber attacks

    An Israeli official denied as “baseless” reports that linked Israel to a computer virus that was used to spy on the nuclear talks with Iran. “The international reports of Israeli involvement in the matter are baseless,” Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely told Army Radio. Kaspersky Lab, a computer security company, suggested on Wednesday that Israel…

  • One Direction sends Alton Towers victim ‘get well ‘ msg

    Alton Towers crash victim, is a huge fan of One Direction band who will receive backstage tickets to meet them… reports Asian Lite leading newspaper in UK.   Victim Leah Washington is reported being sent a personal video message from One Direction wishing her well in her recovery. The band will also be giving her backstage passes…

  • World News In Pictures

    For the best news pictures that made news from around the world visit

  • US to send more troops to Iraq to tackle ISIS

    The US will send up to 450 additional military personnel to train Iraqi forces combating IS militants, the White House said. President Barack Obama has authorised the deployment of up to 450 additional troops to train, advise, and assist Iraqi security forces at Taqaddum military base in Anbar province, aiming to improve the capabilities and…

  • Pope Francis set up Vatican sex abuse court

    Pope Francis approved a proposal to create a tribunal within the Vatican for bishops who cover up alleged paedophile priests, as part of his reform of the city-state’s Curia or governing body…. reports Asian Lite News. The new tribunal will be part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s doctrinal watchdog,…

  • Cameron to push for EU renegotiations

     British Prime Minister David Cameron said he is “content” with the reception he has received so far to his European Union (EU) reform plans as he prepares to appeal to more leaders…reports Asian Lite News. The prime minister, attending an EU trade summit in Belgium, is due to have one-on-one talks with Spanish Prime Minister…

  • London Glitterati Support Indian Charity

    The creamy layer of London’s elite British Asians arrive at St James’ Court, a Taj Hotel, to celebrate Indian Art Week in partnership with charity Arts For India….reports Asian Lite News Several new generation artists showcase their work at an auction event organised to raise funds for underprivileged art students studying at the Institute of…

  • Falcon Hearing the Falconer

    Dr Zubair Medammal is the first Indian to get research degree  in the study of falcons. The enthusiastic falconologist from south Indian state of Kerala has not only established himself in the trade and done research on the subject but has also shot a documentary on the rare species of bird in the Middle East…reports…

  • Carnatic Choir to unite communities

    The British Carnatic Choir, a unique concept based on classical Indian music, is aimed at uniting diverse communities through music, will be officially launched on Friday (June 12)…reports Asian Lite News The concept is the brainchild of Dr Chithra Ramakrishnan, Artistic Director of Shruthi UK, a not-for-profit Midlands-based arts & culture organisation. The launch event, which will take…

  • Muslim Jewish Forum marks anniversary

    The Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester, established in 2005, has just commemorated its 10’Th anniversary with a glittering dinner on Sunday 7 June 2015 hosted by Manchester Town Hall attended by many civic dignitaries….reports Asian Lite News The dinner had two keynote speakers. The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth Ephraim Mirvis is the…

  • Apple’s ‘News’ app gets journalists worried

    Apple’s announcement of its latest News app has taken the media world by storm. The journalists are worried about the control on the distribution of news when an app is algorithmically compiling stories from the world’s biggest media organisations, CNN Money reported. They are worried about “huge tech companies owning the news distribution system”, as…

  • US planning new base in Iraq

    The US is planning to set up a new base in Anbar province in Iraq and send more trainers and advisors to help Iraqi troops in the fight against militants of the Islamic State, media reported. However, both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal that published the information on Tuesday citing anonymous…

  • RAF Typhoons intercept Russian planes

    RAF Typhoon fighter jets have intercepted and followed two Russian military aircraft over the Baltic Sea, it has been disclosed. The jets were scrambled from Amari Air base in Estonia yesterday after the planes approached Baltic airspace without sharing a flight plan. They initially identified and shadowed an Il-20M “Coot” A surveillance aircraft, before checking out a…

  • Blatter’s successor by year end

    Corruption-embattled FIFA could decide on incumbent president Sepp Blatter’s successor in an emergency meeting on December 16. Blatter’s controversial 17-year reign came to a tipping point with the outbreak of the corruption scandal that saw seven FIFA officials arrested and 14 people indicted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), forcing the Swiss to…

  • Obama seeks support on healthcare act

    US President Barack Obama  called for efforts from supporters to protect the Affordable Care Act just weeks before the law could face its biggest legal challenge to date. During a half-hour speech to the Catholic Health Association, Obama expressed deep disappointment in the political attacks against the law, which he described as “ceaseless, endless partisan…

  • Suu Kyi begins historic visit to China

    Myanmar’s opposition leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi arrives in China, a historic visit that comes during a period of marked tension between the two countries. Her visit will last till Sunday. She is to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Prime Minister Li Keqiang, and a group of Chinese businessmen,…