Category: New York

  • China accused of stealing US secrets

    US Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has accused China of stealing commercial secrets and government information, saying the country is “trying to hack into everything that doesn’t move in America”, and urged vigilance, BBC reported. US officials, earlier this year, named China as the chief suspect in the massive hack of the records of a…

  • Hillary in ‘Rendezvous with destiny – II’

    Hillary Clinton began her second “rendezvous with destiny” with a promise to make new policies designed to benefit the middle class if she is elected America’s first woman president….writes Arun Kumar Addressing the first major rally of her 2016 presidential run from New York City’s Roosevelt Island in a state that she represented as senator…

  • New York gets its first NRI judge

    By Arun Kumar  Chennai born Raja Rajeswari, who came to America when she was 16, has become the first person of Indian descent to be named as a criminal court judge in New York City. Rajeswari, 43, an assistant district attorney at the Richmond County District Attorney’s office, who was nominated to the bench by…

  • NYT asks Modi to break his ‘dangerous silence’

    By Arun Kumar  As President Barack Obama’s comments that religious intolerance in India would have shocked Mahatma Gandhi raised a storm in India, the New York Times asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to break his “deafening silence.” Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy is an inspiration for the US too, said the White House, while a bipartisan commission…

  • US Congresswoman promotes US, Hawai’i interests to India

    Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard concluded her successful tour of India in early January this year, which was prompted by a personal invitation from India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to the U.S. in September 2014.  During nearly three weeks of meetings with India’s top government, military, and business leaders, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard sought to…

  • US on alert after ISIS threat

      The New York City Police Department (NYPD) and other law enforcement personnel responded to a threat from the Sunni militant group Islamic State (IS) after someone re-released an old message that tells followers to “rise up and kill law enforcement officers”. The threat specifically named the US, France, Australia and Canada as targets, CNN…

  • Obama lauds decision to screen film

    President Barack Obama has applauded Sony Pictures’ decision to authorise the screening of “The Interview” — a film satirising North Korean leader Kim Jong-un — in independent theatres, the White House said. “As the President made clear, we are a country that believes in free speech, and the right of artistic expression,” White House spokesman…

  • Friction and division in New York

    By Mario Villar   A day after two policemen were killed, New York is witnessing new friction between the police force and Mayor Bill de Blasio owing to the latter’s support for protests against police violence in recent weeks. The tragedy occurred  when two officers were shot dead execution style by a man who apparently wanted…

  • Two NY police officers shot dead

    Two New York police officers were shot dead in their patrol car  afternoon by a gunman who claimed that he was angered by two recent racially-charged controversies. Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot dead in their car while working overtime in the East Flatbush neighbourhood of Brooklyn, Xinhua quoted New York Police Commissioner William…

  • Protests continue in US over Garner’s death

      Protests continued in the US over the death of several black men at the hands of the police and in New York preparations were being made for a huge demonstration next Saturday, media reported. Sunday was the fifth consecutive day of protests since last Wednesday, when a grand jury decided not to indict the…

  • US journalist Luke Somers killed in rescue bid

    US journalist Luke Somers and another man held by al-Qaeda in Yemen have been killed by militants during a rescue attempt by US special forces. US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said the hostages were “murdered by… terrorists during the mission” reported BBC. He said there were “compelling reasons” to believe that Mr Somers’s life was…

  • Ferguson smoulders,protests spread across US

      As night fell, Missouri state in Midwestern United States deployed more forces to quell violence in Ferguson after a grand jury failed to indict a white police officer in the August shooting of an unarmed black teenager. “We are bringing more resources to Ferguson and other parts of the region to prevent a repetition…

  • Ferguson erupts in violence after ruling

    Violence erupted in the US city of Ferguson after the announcement that police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for shooting to death unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown. Two police cars were set on fire Monday night and gunshots rang throughout the night as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters. Chaos reigned…

  • Documentary on Snowden debuts

    “Citizenfour,” a documentary about former US intelligence operative Edward Snowden, garnered praise and criticism over the weekend in its debut at US theatres, while the US remains divided between those who consider him a hero and others who call him a traitor. The movie, directed by US journalist Laura Poitras, opens with a blurred image…

  • Diwali celebrated in Washington

    The Indian community in Washington celebrated Diwali with the Indian ambassador S. Jaishankar noting how the festival has become part of Indian American community’s presence and profile in the US. The function at the ambassador’s residence Sunday was attended by more than 300 dignitaries, including the Indian-American Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central…

  • Desi Girl Goes Opera Way

    The Rajah’s Son & Princess Labam, written and directed by Nishi Rajan,will open November 7th at the Medicine Show Theatre in New York City. The musical will run for 6-nights only Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm from November 7th through November 22nd The Off-Broadway Indian Musical ‘The Rajah’s Son & Princess Labam’ held a special preview…

  • Obama wishes all Happy Diwali

      President Barack Obama has in video message wished a Happy Diwali and “Saal Mubarak” to all those who celebrate the festival of lights saying it was a reminder that light will ultimately prevail. Obama, who in 2009 became the first US president to celebrate Diwali at the White House, recalled the “wonderful time” he…

  • NRI appointed to key US security division

    Indian-American Anita M. Singh has been appointed to a key post in the Justice Department’s National Security Division (NSD) as part of a restructuring to counter state-sponsored economic espionage and proliferation, including through cyberspace. The strategic changes are designed to put additional focus on the protection of national assets from such threats and to empower…

  • NRI scientist to get rare honour in US

    Chennai born Indian-American engineer and scientist Subra Suresh is set to be inducted into the Institute of Medicine (IOM) on , making him the only university president to be elected to all three national academies. Suresh the current president of Carnegie Mellon University is one of only 16 living Americans to be elected to the…

  • NRI doctors to host health summit in Mumbai

     A leading body of Indian-American physicians plans to hold its 9th annual Global Healthcare Summit aimed at bringing accessible, affordable and quality world-class healthcare to India in Mumbai from Jan 2-4. The Association of American Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), one of the largest ethnic professional bodies, is organizing the summit at Trident Oberoi Hotel…

  • NRI named to lead US civil rights division

    Indian-American lawyer Vanita Gupta has been chosen to lead US justice department’s civil rights division charged with enforcing laws that prevent discrimination and inequitable practices in housing, education and employment. Named Acting Assistant Attorney General Wednesday, the first South Asian American lawyer to get the job, is expected to be nominated by President Barack Obama for…

  • Zuckerberg donates $25 mn to fight Ebola

    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced on that social networking site that he and his wife, Priscilla, have donated $25 million to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention for the fight against the Ebola virus disease. “We need to get Ebola under control in the near term so that it doesn’t spread further and…

  • “Modi’s false Teachings for India’s Students.” NYT

     An influential US newspaper has suggested that Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s educational reform could be used to promote an ideology that sees “India’s history through the prism of the Hindu right wing.” “has promised India’s youth a bright future,” the New York Times wrote in an editorial published Thursday, with his Bharatiya Janata Party’s 2014…

  • NY Times apologises over cartoon

    The New York Times has apologised after publishing a cartoon on India’s Mars Mission following readers’ complaints that it mocked India. The cartoon showed a farmer with a cow knocking at the door of a room marked Elite Space Club where two men are reading a newspaper on India’s feat, BBC reported. The cartoon was…

  • Modi’s dress colour a hit in US

      Narendra Modi was dressed for the occasion wherever he went, but the diverse colours that the Indian prime minister donned on his recent US visit had one unifying theme – to win America. And this is being talked about even a week after his visit. And win America he did even before he reached…

  • Indians fuel housing market in US

    Affluent Indians as also the not-so-super rich Indians are joining a wave of foreign property buyers, who see the recovering US housing market as a safe haven for their money, according to the New York Times. While for affluent Indians, American real estate is a security blanket in the face of a bubble in real…

  • Modi rocks New York

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rock star like reception by a rapturous Indian-American community at Madison Square Garden made quite a splash in the US media too ahead of his summit Monday with President Barack Obama. Modi “sold himself on Sunday as a onetime tea vendor who wanted to lift India to glory by cleaning up…

  • NAMASTE! Modi wows youth in Central Park

    Arul Louis reports that Modi wows 65,000 youth in Central Park, with message of sanitation, peace  Who would have thought of Narenda Modi as a rock star? But Saturday evening, the Indian Prime Minister shared the stage with top music stars like JayZ, Beyonce, Carrie Underwood, Sting and Alicia Keys and himself received rockstar treatment…

  • Modi gets a rock star welcome

    Wearing a smart burgundy bandgala and dark trousers, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plunged into a large throng of madly cheering crowd of fans here Friday evening here, throwing his security detail into a tizzy, as he arrived at his New York hotel from the airport. Several hundred people had gathered outside the hotel to…

  • Modi enjoys immunity from court summons: US

    Ahead of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s landmark visit, the US Friday made clear that as head of government, he enjoys “immunity and personal inviolability” and no US court summons can be served on him. Senior administration officials previewing the visit told reporters that they were aware of a law suit filed against Modi by…

  • Modi arrives in US

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in New York to a tumultuous welcome by the Indian American community as diaspora members chanted “Modi, Modi” and held placards in his welcome. Modi, who arrived on a five-day visit to the US, was attired nattily in a dark maroon bandh-gala suit. A large group of Indian diaspora…

  • Madison Square Garden awaits Modi

    People are coming by chartered flights, buses and trains, besides driving down to New York from all over North America, as the Indian diaspora comes together on an unprecedented scale to honour Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a community reception at New York’s Madison Square Garden in downtown Manhattan Sunday. About 18,500 people will be…

  • Modi to begin new chapter with US

    Shunned by the US for nearly a decade, a triumphant Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi flies into New York Friday to start what he himself has called “a new chapter in our strategic partnership.” Modi gets into Washington for his first meeting with President Barack Obama only on Monday after an address to the UN…

  • SPECIAL REPORT: I-Day in New York

    The Indian-American community, wearing bright and colourful clothes, celebrated India’s 68th Independence Day with a parade dancing down Manhattan’s Madison Avenue. One of the main fashionable avcnues of New York was a sea of Indian colours, complete with floats, drums and, of course, a lot of saris. “It’s a way of saluting those who lost…

  • Morocco’s Sahara plan gets the nod

     US President Barack Obama has extended support to Morocco’s autonomy plan for the Sahara in line with the policy adopted by the last three US administrations. This “explicit support” is a recognition by Washington of Morocco’s King Mohammed VI’s regional leadership and stabilising force in Africa, according to Peter Pham, director of the Africa Centre…

  • Hillary seeks action on Russia

    US President Barack Obama speaks to Russian President Vladimir Putin in related to the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 which killed 298 people onboard. More details are awaited.The tele conversation when Hillary Clinton,  the former US secretary of state, seeking more action against Russia. “The world is watching,” Obama said during a speech in Delaware. “The…

  • Assad sworn-in Syrian president

    Bashar al-Assad was sworn-in the president of Syria for the second term Wednesday before the members of the People’s Assembly. President Assad was re-elected for a third seven-year term after winning a landslide victory in Syria’s first multi-candidate election June 3, the official SANA news agency reported. He won against Hassan al-Nouri and Maher Hajjar by…

  • New York Times drops India Ink section

     Citing resource constraints, the New York Times has dropped its special “India Ink” section providing in-depth coverage of “The World’s largest Democracy at a Crossroads” after a three year run. The Times though painted it only as a ‘change of address” saying “that kind of specificity is no longer the way The Times wants to…

  • AAPI to help Indian medical system

    Arun Kumar interviews Dr. Jayesh Shah, who handed over charge to the new AAPI President Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar  One of the largest ethnic organisations in the US, representing about 100,000 Indian doctors settled here, is working on a plan to help India improve its health services in a coordinated fashion. The outlines of the plan were…

  • PICS: Yoga at Times Square

         Enthusiasts practice yoga during the “Solstice in Times Square” event at Times Square in New York, the United States, June 21, 2014. Hundreds of New Yorkers marked the Summer solstice day by practicing yoga in Times Square Saturday. The 12th annual Solstice in Times Square was sponsored by the Times Square Alliance  

  • Rangoli at Times Square

    Tourism Minister Chhagan Bhujbal says Sari draping, Rangolis and Diwali celebrations are some of the themes that will mark the Maharashtra’s tourism promotional event to be held in New York’s iconic Times Square in September Sari draping, Rangolis and Diwali celebrations are some of the themes that will mark the Maharashtra government’s mega-tourism promotional event…

  • Rajat faces jail term

    Rajat Gupta, former Indian-American director of Goldman Sachs Group, must report to prison June 17 to begin his two-year sentence for insider trading with the Supreme Court rejecting his plea. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Wednesday rejected Gupta’s request for an order letting him remain free on bail while he appeals his 2012 conviction. Gupta,…

  • Ethnic paper wins top award

      The South Asian Times, a leading newspaper for the Indian community in the US, has bagged an Ippies award given to the ethnic and community press for “Best Investigative/In Depth Story”. The Ippies Awards are given by the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate School of Journalism. Jinal Shah (Associate Editor) won the…

  • Modi to cement ties with US

    Kaliph Anaz says India-US ties to see high momentum over next few months  The signals from both India and the US are loud and clear – engagement in every sector, and fast. Pushing back the slackness that had crept into the important strategic relationship over the last few years, the new Indian government signaled its…

  • US looks for more trade with India

    With a new Indian government in place, key areas of growth and business opportunities in the US-India commercial and business partnership have been highlighted by trade bodies of the two countries. ‘Growing Opportunities for US-India Trade and Investment’ were highlighted at a seminar organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Indo-American Market…

  • US Sikhs hire Hillary strategist

    American Sikhs have hired a political consultant, who served as a strategist for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign, for the first-ever exploration of creating positive perception about Sikhs among Americans. Geoffrey Garin, who also served as the pollster and strategic advisor to Priorities USA, the super PAC supporting President Barack Obama’s re-election in 2012, will…