Category: UK News

  • PM Convenes Emergency Meet Over Greece

    Prime Minister David Cameron has chaired a meeting of senior ministers and officials to assess the impact on the UK of Greece’s “no” vote to its austerity package….reports Asian Lite News Bank of England governor Mark Carney and Chancellor George Osborne  were there, BBC reported. German Chancellor Angela Merkel will travel to France on Monday…

  • Brum forum raises £10K for charity

      Anzal Begum Foundation, a charity based in Birmingham, has raised an amazing £10,000 for worthy causes. The charity is based in Priory Road, Aston, and was set up by the grandchildren of Anzal Begum, who died in 2008 at the age of 60….reports Asian Lite News The Anzal Begum Foundation was launched at the prestigious…

  • Keith Supports Yvette

    Britain’s most influential Asian MP Keith Vaz declares support for Yvette Cooper in Labour Leadership Contest….reports Asian Lite Keith Vaz, Member of Parliament for Leicester East and Chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee, has declared his support for Yvette Cooper in the Labour Party Leadership contest. Keith Vaz in a statement said: “Yvette is the…

  • Man parades ISIS flag in London

    A man, who paraded in London with an Islamic State (IS) flag wrapped around him, was found not guilty of breaking any law, police said. Some images were posted on a Korean forum after a tourist spotted a man walking outside Parliament Square on Saturday with an IS flag draped around him. The man carried…

  • British leaders to mark Srebrenica genocide

    Prince Charles among top British leaders will join ceremonies to mark the 20th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide….reports Asian Lite. On 11 July 1995 General Ratko Mladi? and his Bosnian Serb forces marched into the town of Srebrenica and systematically murdered 8372 Bosnian Muslim men and boys This year’s 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide will be…

  • Forth Bridge Gets UN Heritage Stamp

    Heritage Sites including Scotland’s Forth Bridge named in Unesco list….reports Asian Lite News Unesco has designated several new World Heritage Sites in Britain, Norway, Germany, Israel, and the US during the 39th meeting of the World Heritage Committee in the western German city of Bonn. Norway’s Rjukan-Notodden industrial site includes a group of hydraulic centers and…

  • Unite agrees with Morning Star to name Corbyn

      Finally  ultra  left-wing  Morning Star newspaper got a match in British politics. Unite union announces  Corbyn one, Burnham two in Labour leader vote….reports  Asian Lite News. Corbyn has frequently been at odds with his party, opposing the Iraq war and other foreign interventions and backing public ownership of the banks. Voting records suggest he has…

  • Modi to cement ties with Russia, central Asia

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi leaves on Monday on an eight-day tour that will take him to the five Central Asian countries of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and to Ufa in Russia where he will attend the BRICS and SCO back-to-back summits….reports Asian Lite News Modi will he the first Indian prime minister in…

  • EU to respect the No Vote Of Greeks

    Make quick ‘possible’ proposals for renegotiation: EU….reports Asian Lite News The European Union urged the Greek government to make “meaningful” and “possible” proposals in coming hours for renegotiation, following early results which have shown that Greece overwhelmingly rejected the bloc’s bailout offer. “The NO side has won the referendum with notable majority, we have to…

  • Flintoff predicts an England Ashes victory

    Former England all-rounder Andrew Flintoff has predicted a 2-1 victory for Alastair Cook’s side over Australia in this summer’s Ashes series beginning. The 37-year-old’s opinion is based on England’s performances during the recent drawn rubber with New Zealand, when they adopted a new attacking style of cricket that kept fans on the edge of their…

  • China accused of stealing US secrets

    US Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has accused China of stealing commercial secrets and government information, saying the country is “trying to hack into everything that doesn’t move in America”, and urged vigilance, BBC reported. US officials, earlier this year, named China as the chief suspect in the massive hack of the records of a…

  • UK struggles to fill teachers vacancies

    Nearly one in 100 full-time teaching posts in England were either vacant or filled temporarily in 2014, BBC reported based on Department for Education figures There were 1,030 vacancies last November, up a third on 2013, the highest number since 2010, when the DfE started compiling figures in November. Meanwhile, teachers on contracts of between…

  • Greece Begins Grexit Poll

    Yes or No …Greeks vote in landmark referendum on EU debt deal…reports Asian Lite News Greek voters on Sunday began casting ballots in a landmark referendum on terms of agreement with creditors on the next deal with the country’s lenders. According to the Greek ministry of internal affairs and administrative reform, about 8.5 million people…

  • Putin ready for talks with US

    The Russsian president congratulates Obama on the occasion of American Independence Day and  calls for talks as equals….reports Asian Lite News Russian President Vladimir Putin called for talks on an equal footing between Moscow and Washington, while congratulating Barack Obama, on the occasion of American Independence Day, the Kremlin has announced. “In his message of…

  • Cry for Me Argentina! Copa Goes to Chile

    Chile crush Argentina to win first Copa America title….reports Asian Lite News Chile captured its first Copa America title by defeating Argentina 4-1 in the penalty shootout. On Saturday, Alexis Sanchez gave his country the victory after Argentines Gonzalo Higuain and Ever Banega failed to convert from 11 meters (36 feet), ending a drought of nearly…

  • Call to overhaul student visa rules

    International students should be removed from the government’s net migration target. It is clear that international students are not long-term migrants. They come to the UK, study for a period, and then the overwhelming majority go home after their studies…reports Asian Lite News Sir Leszek Borysiewicz, the head of Cambridge University, says it is “ludicrous”…


    My friend is unhappy. His wife wants a new car. She has made the decision unilaterally (means without asking him) because two of her friends have rich husbands who have bought them new upmarket cars and now she expects him to do the right thing…writes Bikram Vohra Tell me, he says in that hollow, mirthless…

  • Princess Charlotte’s christening on Sunday

    The newest member of the British royal family, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, would make her first public appearance since her birth when she would be christened on Sunday….reports Asian Lite News. The two-month-old princess would be christened at St. Mary Magdalene Church on the Queen’s Sandringham Estate, Mirror online reorted on Saturday citing details released…

  • Net Villain of the year? Mrs May!

    The Net industry is Britain has named Home Secretary Mrs Theresa May as Internet Villain of the Year….reports Asian Lite News The Internet Services Providers’ Association (ISPA) is the UK’s Trade Association for providers of internet services. She was named for the award for  pursuing “snooper’s charter” legislation without fully consulting the sector. ISPA brings together the…

  • SPECIAL REPORT: Exam Factories of England

    The National Union of Teachers in Britain said there is unprecedented levels of school-related anxiety, stress and mental health problems among pupils of all age groups and abilities, particularly around test or exam time….reports Asian Lite News Children aged 10 or 11 are said to be “in complete meltdown”, in tears, or feeling sick during…

  • London girls married to Daesh fighters

    Two of the three east London schoolgirls who fled to join the Daesh forces  in Syria have married men approved for them by the terrorist group, the Guardian reported. Shamima Begum, 15, Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase, 15, fled in February from Britain after deceiving their parents and siblings. Two of the teenagers have…

  • Osborne to scrap inheritance tax for homes below £1million

    The end of inheritance tax on family homes worth up to £1m will be announced by Chancellor George Osborne. He is expected to tell MPs  that the threshold at which the tax is levied will rise for couples from £650,000 after April 2017. Writing in The Times, PM David Cameron and Mr Osborne said those…

  • BEN Vintage & Classic Car Rally today

    BEN, the automotive industry will hold its annual Vintage and Classic Car Rally and Summer Fete on Saturday 4th July at Sunningdale….reports Asian Lite News The day will start with a rally tour of classic cars and motor cycles though Windsor Great Park, which will then be available for the public to view from 12.30pm at Broomhall…

  • Toyota develops new test dummies

    The latest version of THUMS adds a muscle modelling feature that can simulate he body attitude of different vehicle occupants, from relaxed to braced, allowing for more detailed computer analysis of the injures collisions can cause….reports Asian Lite News You are in a car and you know you are about to hit something. If you…

  • BBC report on MQM stirs a hornet’s nest

    Sharif orders probe into BBC report accusing India of fundding MQM activities…. reports Asian Lite News   Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Thursday directed the interior ministry to thoroughly investigate claims made in a BBC report about the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) receiving funding from India, and sought an early report. Interior Minister Nisar…

  • UK economy back on track

    Offical ONS figures reveal that economic growth also revised up for the first quarter of 2015 but separate figures show disposable income is still lower than in 2008…reports Asian Lite ONS statistics reveal that Britain’s economy is growing even faster than previously thought, In the first three months of the year, the economy grew 0.4…

  • EU crisis will linger till Euro exists

    When the idea of a common currency was floated, it was politically impossible to reject. Principles of Economics 101 were abandoned and the Euro was introduced in 1999. This was of course an economic policy blunder …writes Vatsal Srivastava A great economic experiment began in 1951 with the formation of the European Coal and Steel…

  • Modi to address diaspora at Wembley

    London’s Wembley Stadium will host the biggest reception for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his forthcoming visit to Britain….reports Asian Lite News Sources close to the prime minister said Modi will arrive in London during the second week of November prior to attend the G20 leader’s summit in Antalya, Turkey. The prime minster’s schedule includes meeting…

  • Britain pause for a minute

    Britain stood still for a minute’s silence to remember the holidaymakers shot dead by a terrorist while they sunbathed on a Tunisian beach last week. The Queen, who was at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, and Prime Minister David Cameron, who was in his constituency in Oxfordshire, joined millions of people across Britain as Big…

  • France rejects Assange’s asylum plea

    The Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s asylum request has been rejected by France. Prosecutors in Sweden want to question Mr Assange over sex assault allegations. Mr Assange denies the assault claims and has been living at the Ecuadorean embassy in London since 2012. Earlier on Friday, France’s Le Monde newspaper published an open letter Mr Assange…

  • Tribute to London 7/7

    Motion graphic designer Georgina Ferguson released her tribute to the victims of July 7 bombings through animation. Georgina survived the King’s Cross tube blast. She was travelling in the carriage just behind the one blew up.  The video Seven Seven tells the story of kind stranger who advised her to be courageous and don’t let…

  • Rail strikes announced across Britain

    The RMT union has announced two rail strikes spanning huge swathes of the south and the north of England . The separate disputes involving Northern Rail and Southern Rail staff are the latest in a series of rail-related strike threats. Engineers on Southern Rail plan to strike for five days from 12 July, claiming there has…

  • Prison officer dies after assault

    Scotland Yard has confirmed a prison custody officer who was allegedly assaulted by a prisoner at a court has died. Lorraine Barwell, from Romford, northeast London, was attacked at Blackfriars Crown Court as she escorted the prisoner between the court and a waiting van in the courtyard. The 54-year-old, who worked for security company Serco, was…

  • NHS considering charging patients for missed appointment

    The NHS, the health secretary has revealed how much it costs NHS for missed appointments. Jeremy Hunt also said he did not have a problem with the idea of charging patients for missing GP appointments. People would have to “take personal responsibility” for the way they use NHS resources if a “fantastic” service was to…

  • Minute’s silence to be held for Tunisia attack victims

    Britain will remember the 38 people – including 30 Britons – killed in the Tunisia beach attack a week ago in a minutes silence. Flags will be flown at half-mast over Whitehall and Buckingham Palace, while play at Wimbledon will be delayed. The Queen and Prime Minister David Cameron will join the silence reports BBC. The…

  • BBC sticks to ‘Islamic State’

    The BBC has refused to stop using the name Islamic State to refer to the Sunni radical group that has been sweeping through Syria and Iraq. The refusal was made by Lord Hall of Birkenhead, BBC’s director general, after a petition submitted by 120 members of parliament called upon the broadcaster to desist from using…

  • Andy Hails Entrepreneurs

    The front runner to become the next Labour leader, Andy Burnham said entrepreneurs should be treated like ‘heroes’…. reports Asian Lite News. Mr Burnham said the party could never win an election without business support or the backing of ‘white van man and woman.’  Andy Burnham unveiled his policies to boost aspiration, including an UCAS-style system…

  • SMART FORRAIL- Car on track

    Nicknamed the smart ‘forrail’, it might appear like a lightly modified smart forfour but it’s, in fact, a fully certified, mini-train….reports Asian Lite News (NB: smart and Mercedes-Benz do not encourage any individual to carry out similar modifications. It’s incredibly difficult.) The new smart forfour is a pretty effective point-to-point machine. It can drive from…

  • The Rasta Link with Sadhus

    Independent filmmaker Linda Ainouche’s new documentary Dreadlocks Story exploring the link between Hindu tradition and Rasta culture…. reports Asian Lite News Linda, an anthropologist researcher, has lived and travelled extensively within India. She is an expert on Indian culture known for her comprehensive study on Jainism. Dreadlocks Story is the first and only documentary to…

  • Disabled athletes urged to apply for specialist sports equipment

      Caudwell Children, the national charity that provides practical and emotional support to disabled children and their families, is calling on disabled athletes who need specialist sports equipment to contact them….reports Asian Lite News. The charity’s Enable Sport programme provides specialised sports equipment to disabled children and young people who are actively competing in sport.…

  • Prof. Karaaltin of Acibadem’s to meet prospective patients in London

    Asia’s leading Turkey based  Acibadem Healthcare Group’s leading Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist Associate Professor Karaaltin will take part in a two-day prospective patient briefing on 12-13 July at London’s Swiss Care Clinic…reports Asian Lite.   Participants are invited to attend a 20-minute private briefing session with Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Veli Karaaltin where he…

  • How to beat the heat in summer

    Are you finding it tough to tackle the scorching heat? Lets take a look at simple tips from experts on staying cool during summer. “Closing windows and doors during the hottest parts of the day to stop the hot air from outside entering and also closing curtains, blinds and shutters during the day in order…

  • BBC to axe 1000 jobs in London

    A total of 1,000 jobs are to be axed at BBC as part to compensate the £150m shortfall in licence fee income, its director general Tony Hall has confirmed. Mr Hall briefed staff at the corporation’s central London offices – telling them they were adjusting to a reduction in the number of people watching live television,…

  • Eight suspects to be charged in Tunisia attack

    Tunisian authorities are to charge  eight suspects arrested in connection with the deadly attack on a Tunisian beach resort, it is understood. The seven men and one woman would face charges over the killings – as Britain’s foreign office said all 30 British victims had now been identified. Tunisia’s government had earlier said 12 suspects…

  • House prices near fracking sites could fall: Report

    A government report has warned that house prices near fracking sites could fall by up to 7 per cent and insurance premiums may rise …reports Asian Lite. Fracking could also worsen traffic congestion, noise and air quality, and may not bring many jobs to an area in the longer term, and those living nearby could…

  • Modular buildings the solution to the UK’s housing crisis

    Modular off-site building could be the key to solving the UK’s broken housing market, according to a new report by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The UK house building  manufacturing affordable quality homesreport is calling on Government to provide more incentives for the off-site construction of homes. The report also recommends that the Government reverse…

  • Plans to cut sickness benefits

    A leaked Whitehall paper suggests plans to scrap part of the UK’s main sickness benefit are being considered. It describes the Employment and Support Allowance as a “passive” benefit which does not “incentivise” people to find a job, and proposes abolishing the work-related activity group (WRAG) category reporst BBC. If scrapped, weekly payments would drop nearly…

  • Consider Syria ISIS strikes: Fallon to MP’s

    The defence secretary is to say that MPs should consider allowing Britain to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria. The RAF has been carrying out strikes in Iraq since September but Michael Fallon will say Parliament should look at the case for missions in Syria too reports BBC. The UK does not need the backing…

  • Heartbreak and tears as England Lionesses crash out

    England’s women’s football team were cruelly knocked out of the World Cup at the semi-final stage last night by a freak last-minute own goal. Defending champions Japan snatched a dramatic 2-1 win over England to set up a women’s FIFA World Cup final against the US here. England, who struck the woodwork twice in the…

  • British manufacturing to remain slow: HSBC

    Future manufacturing may remain sluggish in India due to declining output and new order flow, including from overseas and fall in order-to-inventory ratio while robust capital goods growth is a glimmer of hope, says HSBC Purchasing Manufacturers Index (PMI) released….reports Asian Lite News. India manufacturing PMI fell to 51.3 in June from May’s 52.6 as…