Category: Soliloquy

  • Acronyms trigger new crisis

    Vishnu Makhijani in his column Soliloquy says acronyms are creating fresh crisis in communication. Sample just these three: IITYWTMWYBMAD (If I tell you what this means will you buy me a drink), EOTWAWKI (End of the world as we know it) and ANAWFOS (And now a word from our sponsor).   How would you react if you were…

  • Poor Shane Warne!

    Vishnu Makhijani in his column Soliloquy says Chill Shanie, we’re here for you Poor Shane Warne! The Australian cricketer has suffered his share of angst. There was this time he walked out of a press where he was to unveil a likeness of himself in soap that was to be auctioned for a children’s charity when a reporter…

  • India and good governance

    Delhi-based journalist Vishnu Makhijani looks into the changes in governance in India in his column Soliloquy – Of democracy and democratic governance for Asian Lite, the best newspaper for NRIs and Indian diaspora  In the 1970s, Vasant Sathe, the information and broadcasting minister, stirred a political storm by suggesting that India needed a presidential form of government.…

  • To hell with subtlety

    By Vishnu Makhijani  There’s this story told about a US presidential election in the early days of the republic. Planks had been laid across the main street of a town in Texas that had turned into slush after a sharp shower. As it happened, two candidates approached each other on the same plank. “I’ll have…