Category: Gaza Crisis

  • Cairo conference talk Gaza re-construction

    US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Cairo  to participate in a conference aimed at raising funds for the re-construction of the war-torn Gaza Strip. The conference will be attended by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, UN General Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, chief of Arab League Nabil Al Arabi, and representatives of the International Tripartite Committee,…

  • Palestinian PM wrap up Gaza visit

    Palestinian unity government Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah and his 12 West Bank ministers wrapped up a one-day visit to the Gaza Strip, during which they held the first ever meeting of the cabinet in the besieged enclave. The visit was in general positive and included a series of understandings that would enable the government to…

  • UK minister visits Gaza Strip

    British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood visits Gaza and meets Palestinian Authority Minister for Labour. British Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood MP visited the Gaza Strip .  He is the first British Minister to travel to Gaza since this summer’s conflict. “Today I saw first-hand the disastrous consequences of this…

  • Palestinians, Israelis resume talks on Gaza

    Palestinians and Israelis have resumed negotiations on implementation of the permanent ceasefire agreed to in August that put an end to 50 days of intense conflict on the Gaza Strip. The meeting was attended by Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Robert Serry and Israel’s Coordinator…

  • Israeli kills suspected murderers of Jewish teens

    Two Palestinians suspected of having kidnapped and murdered three Jewish teenagers in June have been killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli security forces in the West Bank early Tuesday, the Israeli military confirmed. Acting on intelligence information, soldiers and police officers surrounded a building in Hebron where Marwan Kawasme and Amer Abu Aysha,…

  • Israel approves rebuilding plan near Gaza

    The Israeli cabinet Sunday approved a $360 million development initiative for the communities in the country’s south, near the Gaza border, who were hit hard in the recent bloody conflict between Israel and the Hamas. “This is the largest investment that Israel has ever made in this area,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a…

  • Israeli military slams its soldiers

    The Israeli military Sunday sharply criticised a conscientious objection letter sent by 43 veterans of an elite intelligence unit who refused to serve their duty due to Israel’s surveillance and information gathering tactics. Military spokesperson Brig-Gen. Moti Almoz wrote online Sunday that the group used their military service “to express political opinions” in the letter…

  • Israel now targets fishermen

    Israeli gunboats Sunday opened fire at Palestinian fishermen off the Gaza coast in a breach of the truce reached late last month. According to the Palestinian fishermen syndicate, Israeli gunboats have been opening fire daily at fishing boats, MENA reported. A long-term truce in Gaza was agreed with Israel Aug 26. The ceasefire mediated by Egypt…

  • Gaza children return to schools

    Schools reopened across the Gaza Strip Sunday following a three-week delay due to damage caused by an Israeli offensive on the enclave that ended late last month. As many as 700,000 school children went back to their schools at the end of a long summer vacation, which included 50 days of the Israeli war on…

  • Hamas rejects direct talks with Israel

     Deputy chief of the Islamic Hamas movement in Gaza, Ismail Haneya, said Saturday that his movement is not intending to hold direct talks with Israel. “Hamas won’t hold direct talks with Israel,” Haneya said in a meeting with Palestinian reporters in Gaza. Haneya was reacting to an earlier statement made by senior Hamas leader Musa…

  • Israel wants deployment in Gaza

    The Israeli foreign ministry has proposed the deployment of an international force in the Gaza Strip in the aftermath of Operation Protective Edge, the Ha’aretz daily reported Sunday. The proposal, submitted in a document to a security cabinet meeting Aug. 21, called for an international force to be deployed in the strip to help make…

  • Gaza war ends

    The war in Gaza ended on Tuesday after aand the Palestinians agreed to halt fighting indefinitely, putting an end to seven weeks of catastrophic loss of life and destruction, but on terms which are likely to leave many on both sides of the conflict wondering what was achieved, a Guardin report said. “Hamas and Islamic Jihad – the…

  • Don’t import violence: Jewish groups

    Protest groups targeting supermarkets over the sale of Israeli products risk importing Middle Eastern violence to British high streets, Jewish have leaders insisted. In a joint statement the leaders of Britain’s main Jewish community organisations condemned a series of incidents at shops selling Israeli goods and kosher food accusing the organisers of intimidation and stirring…

  • Man returns Israeli medal

    A Dutchman honoured by Israel for hiding a Jewish child during World War Two has handed back his medal after six of his relatives were killed in an Israeli air strike on Gaza. Henk Zanoli, 91, wrote to the Israeli embassy in The Hague to say he could no longer hold the honour, a BBC…

  • Britons joining IDF may soon beome illegal

    By Shafi Rahman The Government may review the Foreign Enlistment Act 1870 filled with loopholes which prevents effective prosecution of people joining the armed forces of foreign country in the wake of many British citizens joining conflicts abroad. Responding to a question at a press meet about Britons travelling to join the Israeli forces, a…

  • Five-day truce in Gaza

    Israel and the Palestinians have begun a fresh five-day ceasefire in Gaza, agreed at the end of a three-day truce. As the ceasefire was announced, Israel launched air strikes in response to alleged rocket fire from Gaza, the BBC said. “There were no more reports of violence overnight, and the two sides were expected to…

  • Israel acted disproportionately: British voters

    A majority of British voters believe Israel acted in a disproportionate manner during the recent Gaza conflict, according to the latest Guardian/ICM poll, which lends support to the arguments that persuaded Lady Warsi to resign from the government. Amid hopes that the month-long conflict between Israel and Hamas could be ending as a ceasefire continued…

  • Poll-bound Clinton Raps Obama

    Former US secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, has used her sharpest language yet to describe the “failure” that resulted from the decision to keep the U.S. on the sidelines during the first phase of the Syrian uprising. In an interview to The Atlantic, seen widely as an attempt to distance herself from President Barack…

  • Egypt Hints at Ending Blockade

    Egypt is continuing its efforts to put an end to the “inhumane blockade” imposed by Israel on the Gaza strip, Egypt’s foreign ministry said Sunday. Egypt is seen widely as collaborators on stifling blockade on Gaza as it has shut down its border joining hands with Israel.“Practical procedures made by Egypt to end the Gaza blockade…

  • Fresh Gaza Peace Attempt

    Egypt-brokered indirect talks between the Palestinian and Israeli sides is scheduled to resume Monday morning. The talks are a fresh attempt to reach a comprehensive ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, MENA news agency reported. Well-informed Palestinian sources said that Egypt informed them that the Israeli delegation arrived in Cairo for the new talks. The agreement, which…

  • Amul Girl “Tel Aviv to Stop”

    Amul Girl, impish poppet of Amul Butter Brand known for sarcastic comments, has directed its humour at crisis in Gaza. Amul girl, appearing in brand’s latest hoardings, tells Tel Aviv to stop violence with a fine play of words. The Amul girl was created as a response to Amul’s rival brand Polson’s butter-girl and was…

  • London Lines Up for Gaza

    Prime Minister David Cameron’s failure to condemn Israel’s massacre in Gaza was attacked by MPs and other speakers at a mass rally in London’s Hyde Park in support of the Palestinians. Speakers also called for sanctions and an arms embargo on Israel. More than 100,000 people marched from the BBC studios in Portland Place, past…

  • British Public Raises £4.5m aid

    An emergency appeal for people affected by the conflict in Gaza has raised £4.5m in less than 24 hours. The Disasters Emergency Committee announcement came as the Stop the War coalition is holding a march for Gaza through central London on Saturday. The DEC launched its Gaza Crisis Appeal on Friday evening. The British government…

  • Columnists question Arab apathy

    Last few weeks saw assault on Gaza has prompted condemnation from the world body politic and civil-society groups, but the Arab world politicians have largely turned their head away from the grisly fiasco. Many commentators across the globe are pointing fingers at the Arab rulers and kingdoms who have remained as mute spectators. In his…

  • US, UN condemn Gaza violence

    The US and UN condemned the resumption of attacks between Gaza and Israel Friday, urging both sides to cease hostilities, media reported. Israel renewed strikes on Gaza soon after a three-day truce expired, saying it was in response to rocket fire by Hamas, BBC reported. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the parties should work towards…

  • Unicef Concern Over Gaza Children

    Around 400,000 children in the Gaza Strip are showing symptoms of distress, including bed wetting, clinging to parents and nightmares, and need psychosocial support, the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) has said. At least 429 children were killed in the last one month as a result of Israel’s air strikes and shelling on Gaza where…