Qatar lauds US role in global peace


Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani
Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani

Qatari prime minister says common interests between Islamic World and US contribute to international peace

 Qatari Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani said on Monday that common interests between Islamic World and the United States have contributed to achieving international peace, WAM reported.

“Mutual interests and shared responsibilities between the Muslim world and the United States have resulted in establishing a common understanding and distinguished relations focusing on the need to continue work to deepen the bonds of these relations on the basis of dialogue and understanding, strengthening of cooperation frameworks in various fields, achievement of effective partnership between the two sides, especially in issues where the US role is particularly important especially in the attainment of international peace and security to serve the common interests,” he said while addressing the opening session of the 12th session of the U.S.-Islamic World Forum in Doha.

According to the Qatari news agency, this forum assumes great importance at the current time in the shadow of the circumstances the world is going through, and in which the severity of divisions has increased as a result of tensions, conflicts and instability in many regions of the world.

Speaking about Middle East, the Qatari Prime Minister said, “The continued Israeli occupation of Arab territories is still the core of the problem of Arab and Muslim peoples,” pointing out that the desire for peace is a feeling and aspiration of all peoples of the world, and that the United States could contribute tangibly and greatly to the achievement of a genuine peace in the Middle East.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani said, “Everyone understands that the stalemate in the Middle East peace was due to Israeli government’s intransigent positions. Instead of going in the right track of the solution that provides security and recognizes the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, foremost their right to establish an independent State with East Jerusalem as its capital, Israel continues to violate the international law and the international legality resolutions and its s attempt to impose a fait accompli policy by its continued occupation of Arab territories and continuation of the Jerusalem Judaizing policy, and the intensification of settlements in the Palestinian territories, the latest of which was the first decision of the new Israeli government of building 90 housing units in south of Jerusalem.”