Facebook reunites mother with son after 15 years

In a scene straight from a Bollywood movie, a Facebook photo has helped a Californian woman to reunite with her son after 15 years.

facebookThree-year-old Jonathan was allegedly kidnapped by his father and taken to Mexico 15 years back.

Last year, Jonathan, now 18, posted a childhood photo with his brother on Facebook, thinking that his mother Hope Holland or his grown-up brother may find him on the social networking site, Time reported.

Last week, the reunion finally happened and a teary Holland could not stop thanking Facebook for this miracle.

“I am happy. It has been a long journey here,” Holland, who had lost all hopes of seeing Jonathan again, was quoted as saying.

The miracle happened when Holland was signing up for a webinar on Facebook in January this year.

There, she saw a picture of two little boys taking a bath together.

“At first, my body responded with panic and excitement. Heart palpitations and sweat…my breathing out of control,” she told ABC 10 television.

“I was the one who had taken the picture,” she said.

She visited Jonathan’s Facebook page and messaged someone who was scrolling through same photos she was looking at.

The person put her in touch with Jonathan.

Three days later, they spoke on the phone for the first time and decided to meet, the Time report said.

After completing high school, Jonathan plans to return to California.