50% rise in child labour in Indian urban areas

Child labour in urban India increased by over 50 percent between 2001 and 2011, a report by NGO CRY said , highlighting the links to the rise in migration…..reports Asian Lite News.

A boy works on a car at a vehicle repair garage
A boy works on a car at a vehicle repair garage

An analysis of the census data by CRY (Child Rights and You) said child labour in urban areas in the country increased by 53 percent over 2001-2011. The report was released ahead of the World Day Against Child Labour.

“Working children between 5-9 years increased by 37 percent. Of particular concern is the whopping rise in child labour in the age group of 5-9 years in urban areas – the number of working boys grew by 154 percent whereas the number of working girls grew by 240 percent,” the analysis said.

Five Indian states – Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra – harbour the majority of working children.

These states account for more than 55 lakh child workers.

The observations of the heightened numbers in urban spaces is of “utmost concern”, according to Komal Ganotra, director, Policy and Research, CRY.

“This is of utmost concern especially since enforcement machinery is primarily based in urban regions and the implementation of child protection structures is stronger in urban India.

“This increase in urban child labour could be attributed to increased migration including seasonal migration for employment as well as trafficking of unaccompanied minors,” Ganotra said.