After years of dreaming, searching and planning by the Brahma Kumaris’ Leicester family, Harmony House was finally ready for business.
- Sudeshdidi and Sister Jayanti during the inauguration of Harmony House in Leicester
It was officially inaugurated by The Baroness Verma of Leicester, with the unveiling of a plaque to record this auspicious occasion.
Over 250 especially invited guests and dignitaries came to witness the opening ceremony and marvel at the wonder of this magical building and surroundings of Harmony House. Distinguished guests included Baroness Verma, Lord Mayor of Leicester, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leicester, Dean of Leicester, Sister Jayanti, Sudeshdidi and leading members from the faith, business, political, police and voluntary communities.
Guests were welcomed by smiling and peaceful faces and experienced the spiritual buzz of excitement on arrival.
After the unveiling of the plaque ceremony and some very gracious speeches, everyone proceeded to the main auditorium to witness the main event. The event opened on time, with a video of the Brahma Kumaris in Leicester.
Brother Anthony (GRC) and Sister Beverley (GCH), masters of ceremonies delighted the audience with their witty banter.
Many guests were invited onto the stage, to share their vison of Harmony House.
The Lord Mayor praised the work of the Brahma Kumaris in Leicester and the impact that the new building was going to create.
Ratanbhai, building project director, along with the main contractor Benchmark Construction shared their experiences of the building project.
No BK programme would be complete without the wonderful sharing of inspirations from Dadi Jankiji. Even though her health is poor, she was able to convey her feelings from the heart to the captive audience by a pre-recorded video.
The message was followed by Lucinda Drayton of Bliss, singing two songs that left the audience mesmerised by her angelic voice. A panel discussion followed with Sister
Jayanti, Baroness Verma and Richard Brucciani (local well-established business man) and hosted by Sister Beverley on the topic of “Harmony in our community, harmony in diversity…” A wonderful exchange of different insights from three perspectives of business, politics and spirituality captured everyone’s attention.
The stage event was completed by Lucinda singing the song “A Hundred Thousand Angels”.
Politics goes pink for breast cancer awareness
Jonathan Ashworth, Labour MP for Leicester South, joins the fight against breast cancer by wearing pink
Jonathan Ashworth MP for Leicester South has joined the fight against breast cancer by taking part in Breast Cancer Campaign’s flagship fundraiser, wear it pink day.
The theme of wear it pink this year is to ‘look good, do good’ in support of breast cancer research. On Friday 24 October people across the country will come together to find fun and stylish ways to wear pink in the office, at home or at school.
Donations raised by this year’s fashion inspired event will go to Breast Cancer Campaign to fund lifesaving breast cancer research.
Jon said: “Every year in the UK over 50,000 women and around 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer. Sadly, 12,000 women and 80 men die from this disease each year. This is why we need to support Breast Cancer Campaign’s fundraising efforts to support world-class breast cancer research that saves and improves lives, giving people quicker diagnoses and more effective treatments.”
“I hope you’ll all join me by wearing it pink on Friday 24 October and showing your support for breast cancer research.”
Wear it pink on October 24 to support Breast Cancer Campaign’s lifesaving research.