Watford Hare Krishna Temple launches Nepal earthquake appeal

Bhaktivedanta Manor Hare Krishna temple in Watford has launched a national charitable appeal to help the victims of the earthquake in Nepal.

The Lotus Trust, the welfare arm of Bhaktivedanta Manor, is already working with the Hare Krishna temple in Kathmandu and Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mumbai to co-ordinate both food and medical relief activities on site, through the Hare Krishna’s Food for Life programme.

With the help of 350 Food for Life volunteers, the team is daily serving five thousand people in Kathmandu and seven thousand people Bhaktapur with fresh nutritious meals. Over the next few days, the number of meals being served by the Hare Krishna Food for Life volunteers are expected to double from twelve thousand to twenty four thousand per day.

In addition, Hare Krishna volunteers from around India are making their way to help.

Around 30,000 people have lost their homes as a consequence of the earthquake, which struck on Saturday 25th April. More than 4,000 people have been killed and more than 6,500 injured.

Srutidharma Das, Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor said: “Today we are seeing the devastating impact of the earthquake in Nepal on the thousands of people that have lost their homes, their lives and families, and who are desperately in need.

“Even sitting thousands of miles away, we can all do something small to help – by supporting the work of The Lotus Trust, we can ensure that much needed meals and medical aid can be given to the victims locally. Please make a small contribution today.

The Lotus Trust supports the Food for Life programme run by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), which distributes up to 3 million hot free meals globally to people in poverty stricken areas and the homeless each day.

Hare Krishna Food for Life is the world largest vegetarian food relief program. Inaugurated in 1974, the program today is active in over 60 countries and has been actively involved in relief programs during major natural disasters and conflicts including: floods in Jammu & Kashmir – India (2014), Cyclone Phailian – India (2013), Typhoon Haiyan – Philippines (2013), Tsunami in Japan (2011),      Hurricane Katrina – USA (2005)

You can donate today to help The Lotus Trust to continue its vital work. To donate, please visit http://www.thelotustrust.org/nepal or

contact Mina Sharma, ISKCON Head of Media and Communications on mina@krishnatemple.com or 07919933824.