Mosaic Celebrates End of Year Achievements


Aaqil Ahmed (Head of Commissioning - Religion TV and Head of Religion and Ethics at the BBC); Tom Bloxham MBE (urban Splash); Nafisa Hakim(Mosaic NW Regional Manager); Wakkas Khan (Mosaic NW Regional Chairman); Afshan Azad; Zeb Farooq (Highly Commended mentor); Amsha Aslam (Mosaic NW Mentor of the Year)
Aaqil Ahmed (Head of Commissioning – Religion TV and Head of Religion and Ethics at the BBC); Tom Bloxham MBE (urban Splash); Nafisa Hakim(Mosaic NW Regional Manager); Wakkas Khan (Mosaic NW Regional Chairman); Afshan Azad; Zeb Farooq (Highly Commended mentor); Amsha Aslam (Mosaic NW Mentor of the Year)

Over 70 guests gathered in Manchester to celebrate a remarkable year for Mosaic in the North West.

Mosaic, a mentoring charity set up by HRH The Prince of Wales in 2007, is an initiative of Business in the Community. It has been operational throughout the North West for the past eight years and provides fully-funded mentoring programmes into primary and secondary schools that create opportunities for young people growing up in our most deprived communities by helping to raise their aspirations and better fulfil their potential.

Guests at the event, which took place at JMW Solicitors on Byrom Street, included business leaders and volunteer mentors who have expertly supported Mosaic’s mentoring programmes during this academic year together with the young people they have supported.

Keynote speaker was entrepreneur Tom Bloxham MBE, founder of urban renewal property development company Urban Splash.

The event was hosted by Manchester-born actress Afshan Azad, best known for playing the role of Padma Patil in the Harry Potter film series.

The evening was held to celebrate the importance of mentoring and in particular Mosaic’s mentors, their hard work and commitment to the young people it supports as well as recognising the hard work Mosaic’s network, teachers and supporters continue to dedicate to the range of programmes.

Nafisa Hakim, Regional Manager for Mosaic North West commented: “It was wonderful to be able to gather together and celebrate with so many of our volunteer mentors. Our mentors freely give up their valuable time to help the young people from this region and without their continued support, we simply wouldn’t be celebrating our success here today. We want to thank all the mentors, companies and organisations who have tirelessly supported our programmes throughout the year and helped to inspire so many young local people.”