‘Minimise Stress, Maximise Success’

stress seminarThe Vedanta Institute will present their latest seminar ‘Minimise Stress, Maximise Success’ at London’s May Fair Hotel on Thursday 25 June 2015, led by the pre-eminent philosopher, guru and author, Swami Parthasarathy.

The seminar will focus on ways in which ancient Vedanta philosophies can be incorporated into current business and management practices. The seminar rests upon the fundamental principle that one must manage oneself in order to effectively handle business and relationships as well as on diagnosing the source of stress to reveal practical solutions. Key topics that will be explored in the seminar include: the anatomy of stress and how to conquer it, the difference between intelligence and intellect and their importance in decision making, the principles of success and the nature of the human mind.

Swami Parthasarathy says, “I am a firm believer that the key to stress management in the workplace and beyond, lies in self-management. Through diagnosing our sources of stress the eternal truths of Vedanta can enable us to reveal practical solutions, allowing us to lead more fulfilling and productive professional lives and providing the knowledge that enables us to look forward to Monday mornings!”

The founder and guru of the Vedanta Academy in Malavli, Swami Parthasarathy (popularly known as Swamiji), is widely acclaimed as the greatest living exponent of Vedanta. In a life of service spanning over six decades, Swamiji’s contribution has been the translation of the subtle philosophical themes of Vedanta into a practical technique for modern living.

Swamiji has cultivated and pioneered self-management corporate programmes to teach the fundamental techniques underlying productivity, time-management, stress reduction and leadership development. Organisations Swami has addressed include Google, Harvard, the Indian Cricket Team, NASA, Oxford University, Stanford, the World Bank, Young Presidents’ Organisation and The Walt Disney Company.

The seminar will take place on the evening of 25 June 2015, at London’s May Fair Hotel and will comprise of a reception and a one hour talk by Swamiji, followed by a Q&A session and a dinner to close the event.

Attendance can be booked through donations to the Vedanta Institute. All donations will support the research and propagation of Vedanta, particularly towards sponsoring students to study the 3-year course at the Vedanta Academy, India.