Bangladeshi parents to consider early education offer

The Department for Education (DfE) is encouraging Bangladeshi parents to consider taking up the opportunity of free early education and childcare for their two-year-old children.

The scheme enables families with an income of less than £16,190 per year from either work or benefits to apply for 15 hours of free early education and childcare a week.

Selina Begum
Selina Begum

If eligible, families can take advantage of one of the approved child-minders, nurseries or children’s centres operating in their local area. Only nurseries and child-minders with ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ Ofsted reports are able to offer places.

Early education at the age of two gives children a good start in life, making them more likely to enjoy and do well at school. It also gives children the opportunity to interact with other children and try new activities.

DfE is committed to raising awareness and encouraging more Bangladeshi parents who are eligible to take up the offer and choose between a local nursery, children’s centre or a registered child-minder.

Selina Begum, mother, NTV Reality Cooking Queen 2013 and campaign supporter said: “This is a great scheme that our community should be fully aware of and utilise. As a mother of six children, I know that we all want the best start for our children. Good quality early education offers our children so many benefits like developing speech and language skills. It also gives our children the opportunity to interact with other children and try new activities.”

“I’m supporting our community and this scheme; and would encourage parents to check with their local authority to make sure they don’t miss out.”

Syeda Choudhury
Syeda Choudhury

Syeda Choudhury, mother, TV presenter and campaign supporter said: “This scheme not only benefits our children but it can also help us as parents to have more time to go back to work or take up a new course. Education is an important factor in ourlives and I’m keen that we spread the word in our community so that every child who is  eligible has the best start in life.”