Leicester’s first free Sikh school, Falcons Primary School, has embedded Arts Award into their curriculum while sharing learning opportunities with local schools, writes Anjana Parikh
After receiving funding support from The Mighty Creatives, local artist, Linda Harding and arts manager, Gemma Kiddy collaborated with Mrs Jasbir Mann, the head teacher of the school and the team at this new Leicester school, to ensure that arts play a vital role in their learning.

Research from the project will result in an online resource to assist with quality arts delivery within culturally focused or diverse settings.
Mrs Mann said, “With assistance from the families, children have been exploring different art forms including dance, printing and painting. They have explored different artists including Matisse and Picasso as well as visiting New Walk Museum. But their main focus was the huge falcon bird that has been made from different materials and art techniques and will be displayed in the school for all to see.”
The project artist, Linda Harding, said: ‘The children have been fantastic and have shown real commitment and interest in the arts. The families have been a great support and we look forward to delivering more exciting art projects at Falcons in the future.”
Being the first free Sikh school, Falcons Primary School has shown that a good ethos is important to become successful.
Mrs Mann said, “The school will contribute towards the fostering of shared values, community cohesion and well being within society at large. It will be underpinned by our universal vision, values and virtues derived from the Sikh faith.
“Falcons Primary School has high aspirations for all in our learning community. We demand high academic standards and expect children to achieve their potential. Alongside this, we aim to nurture the social and spiritual wellbeing of our children. We will achieve this through the principles drawn from the Sikh faith. These include respect for others, humility, valuing all, celebrating achievement wherever and whenever it occurs. Such universal teachings promote inclusion and respect for all irrespective of class, gender, creed, status, ability or disability. Respect for elders, other faiths and beliefs, caring for elderly and underprivileged, and humility in living will underpin respect for others.”
Further, she said that it is important that ethos involves learners developing a passion for learning and the virtues are an important asset in the process.
The Sikh ethos school believes in compassion for all and the environment, faith in your chosen way of life, determination to succeed in all your endeavours, resolve to see it through and mastery to be the best.
The school is open to reception and year one children and over time will grow to be a 420 pupil primary school. It has opened under the Governments Free Schools programme and provides for Leicester children from all backgrounds with at least 50% of places available for non-Sikh children.