RPS elects Ash Soni as president

Mr Ashok ‘Ash’ Soni OBE FRPharmS, President of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Mr Ashok ‘Ash’ Soni OBE FRPharmS was elected President of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society  by members of the RPS Assembly. Mr Sultan Dajani MRPharmS was re-elected as Treasurer.

Commenting on his election, Ash Soni said: “This is a hugely exciting time for the profession with many changes and innovations underway. The RPS is the champion of the whole profession and I feel immensely privileged to be leading the organisation at this time.

“I will ensure that wherever possible I will promote the expertise that the RPS has and that we are a leader amongst leaders in the world of pharmacy. The Pharmaceutical Press has a big role to play here, cementing our reputation as a provider of essential guides such as the BNF, Martindale, Stockley’s and of course the new Pharmaceutical Journal.

“I will work with the regulator to recognise that the RPS Faculty is a cornerstone to revalidation and demonstration of continuing fitness to practice and I will seek to attain Faculty membership and through my personal action show the value of the RPS Faculty” he added.

“I will be an inclusive President, I am a proud community pharmacy owner and champion of the role pharmacy can  have in improving the public’s health. I will be equally proud of the work that pharmacists do in hospitals, primary  care, academia, the pharmaceutical industry, our pharmaceutical scientists and the many and varied roles pharmacists  have across the health and social care system in all three nations. It will be my privilege to find out more about the  great work that all our members are doing across England, Scotland, Wales, and internationally to improve patient  care. I will share the fantastic examples of how pharmacists improve patient care with those in positions of influence  to shape the environment to allow for a successful future for our profession.
“I will support the Boards to deliver the plans they all have to drive our greater involvement as part of the
multidisciplinary healthcare team. If we are to achieve our potential we must become more integrated across our
own profession and recognise the expertise that all the different branches of pharmacy bring and remember the
whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I will support the different roles that each group plays. Ensuring people
know to come to ‘Pharmacists First’ when they are in need of advice and support about medicines is the aim of all
three countries Boards across Great Britain The RPS must be the first port of call for any questions relating to
medicines and their safe and effective use, whether this is seen as pharmaceutical care or medicines optimisation.
Variations in language must not distract us from our role or the value of our expertise. ”

“My role must be to ensure that the RPS maintains it mission, vision and values. I will promote the profession to  external audiences so we achieve our goal of being a fully integrated part of the health and social care team. I will  promote the expertise of pharmacists to the public and patients wherever and whenever the opportunity arises. I will  promote the RPS as an international leader of pharmacy. I will be an advocate of the RPS and its Faculty to promote  growth in membership. I will work collaboratively with the three Boards, staff and other key stakeholders to continue  the transformation of the RPS into a model Royal College that represents the best that pharmacists can be.”