MoU to eliminate poverty in India

Recently two Indian Youth Movements addressed Mr Virendra Sharma and his esteemed colleagues from the Indo-British All Party Parliamentary Group at the House of Commons.

From left: Sanam Arora, MP Virendra Sharma and Rohit Parakh
From left: Rohit Parakh, MP Virendra Sharma and Sanam Arora

Rang De UK ( and the National Indian Students Union ( both delivered addresses to an audience of parliamentarians including MP Keith Vaz, Baroness Usha Prashar, Lord Rana, Lord Hussain and Lord Kilclooney, to name a few.

Speaking on the origins and the history of Rang De, president of the UK Chapter, Rohit Parakh demonstrated the ingenuity of the organisation’s microcredit and peer-to-peer lending idea how each individual can get involved with Rang De to make a difference to the underprivileged in India.

Following on, president of the National Indian Students Union, Sanam Arora addressed the gathering with an engaging presentation on the origins of her two year organisation and its immense growth and achievements over such a short period of time.

‘We were really honoured to be given this opportunity to speak to and introduce ourselves to the esteemed guests who had such positive things to say – it was really exhilarating and so encouraging. NISU seeks to promote British education and further the Indo-British relationship through the youth’ said Arora.

Parakh said after the event ‘It was good to address the parliamentarians and discuss how they could help Rang De and give UK an opportunity to demonstrate the special relationship with India by supporting a proven and self-sustaining model which directly addresses Indian government’s stated aim of financial inclusion’.

Both organisations were represented by their presidents and their teams and partook in engaging conversation with the honourable guests regarding their essential presence and huge potential contribution to the Indo-UK strategic partnership from socio-political and socio-economic outlook. Both organizations left a marked impression on all who attended and received hugely positive feedback, support and requests for further engagement.

The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work together in achieving their mutual aims, in particular, uniting British youth, of both Indian and non-Indian origin to adopt charitable ethos and work towards the elimination of poverty in India. They will be working together over the next few months on several initiatives.