‘Immigrants must learn English’

Sajid Javid
Sajid Javid during an event at No 10 Downing Street

Britain’s most powerful British politician said the immigrants must learn English and “respect our way of life.”

Sajid Javid MP, the Culture Secretary in David Cameron’s cabinet, says as he criticises migrants who have lived here for years but still cannot speak the language.

Mr Javid to the Telegraph newspaper that the voters have legitimate fears over “excessive” immigration and are justified in wanting Britain to have more control over its borders.

Mr Javid, the first Asian Secretary of State, defends Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, against charges of racism but insists that only the Conservatives can deliver the reforms to European Union laws needed to cut immigration.

“People want Britain to have more control over its borders, and I think they are right,” Mr Javid, who is the son of Pakistani immigrants, says.

“People also say, when immigrants do come to Britain, that they should come to work, and make a contribution and that they should also respect our way of life, and I agree with all of that. It means things like trying to learn English.” The tough message on immigration, coming from Britain’s highest ranking Asian MP, who is also the Minister for Equalities, will provoke debate on controls to migration in a crucial week of elections.

On Thursday, voters go to the polls across the UK to elect MEPs for the European Parliament. Elections are also being held in 161 English council areas. Immigration is a key battleground in the current campaign and will be central to all parties’ manifestos in the run up to the general election.