Brahmrishi ‘Gurudev’ to visit Manchester

PujyaGurudev_FinalLarge“To awaken your soul and lead you on a path of elevated spirituality,’’ Vishva Sant Brahmrishi Shri Guruvanandji Swami also known as Gurudev will make his debut visit to the City of Manchester, says Nitin Sethi, Managing Director, at Ascot International and coordinator of his visit to Manchester.
The world renowned spiritual scholar and humanitarian Gurudev’s discourse which begins at 7.00 pm will be held on Friday, June 20th 2014 at Jain Community Centre, Stockport Road, Manchester.
Before the discourse ‘’Prasad Bhojan’’ will be served between 5pm to 7pm, informs Sethi.
Admission is FREE to this event, he said. Sethi informs that the spiritual congregation is likely to attract approximately 700 people which includes top influencers in the region, professionals, businessmen and people from different walks of life, religion and faith.
Other members of the organising team include businessmen Subhash Patel, Yogesh Garg, Suresh Ruia and K. Satish Kumar (Sai Spice).
According to Sethi, ‘’Gurudev is using the enormous divine energy that he has acquired, to help those in distress and to uplift the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe.’’ Gurudev has travelled to over 172 countries to enrich people with the art of living a moral and spiritual life. ‘’Gurudev’s mission is to guide us to liberation from the cycle of birth and death while we fulfil our worldly duties,’’ Sethi adds.
To register your attendance, you may contact Nitin Sethi on 07712932386 or email at