Trade missions aimed to boost UK exports

UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is currently organising high-profile trade missions to Singapore and Malaysia, Turkey, Japan and Latvia…reports Asian Lite.


trade portThe mission to Singapore and Malaysia, from 25 July to 5 August, will include receptions and events organised by the British High Commission, while the visit to Turkey (11-15 October) – which is enjoying strong economic growth – will seek to capitalise on the country’s increasing use of English for business.
In November, companies will have the opportunity of visiting the Tokyo International Industry Exhibition, while novice exporters can experience a taste of a new market and what support UKTI offers by joining the mission, also in November to Latvia.

Key sectors for winning business on the Latvia mission are cyber and food & drink.
Such missions usually involve networking receptions held at British Embassies and Consulates as well as the chance to meet pre-qualified contacts and a network of like-minded local companies.