Tobacco firms to pay to help smokers quit

smokingTobacco companies will be asked to pay the Government an annual levy to cover the cost of helping people to stop smoking, according to a new report.

Campaigners have warned of a “startling and widening” health gap in society – as Britons living below the poverty line are more likely to live in a household that smokes.

The Action on Smoking and Health group also wants the Government to set ambitious targets to make tobacco use less prolific nationwide. At present, 19% people smoke – but the organisation wants this slashed to just 5% in the next 20 years reports Sky News.

Elsewhere in its report, ASH recommends that anti-smoking films are shown before TV shows and films which feature people smoking – especially if they are likely to be seen by children.

According to the group, tobacco firms in the UK generated profits of £1bn last year, and are responsible for the premature deaths of 80,000 people annually.