The Growing threat of BLUKIP

Mr Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the Liberal Democrats,  says the threat of a Labour/SNP alliance has been well covered in the media. But the threat of a Conservative government held hostage by Nigel Farage and his friends on the angry right wing of the Conservative Party is just as real

Britain's Deputy PM, Nick Clegg during a visit to Airbus India facility in Bangalore on Aug 27, 2014. (Photo: IANS)
Britain’s Deputy PM, Nick Clegg during a visit to Airbus India facility in Bangalore on Aug 27, 2014. (Photo: IANS)

Liberal Democrats will always act in the national interest to keep Britain stable and anchor the government in the centre ground.

But there is a very real danger that the next government will not put the national interest first.

A Government that will lurch away to the extremes of left or right because Ed Miliband is held hostage by a small band of left wing separatists on the one hand or because David Cameron is held to ransom by hard right ideologues that will threaten our public services and our shared values on the other.

The threat of a Labour/SNP alliance has been well covered.

But the threat of a Conservative government held hostage by Nigel Farage and his friends on the angry right wing of the Conservative Party is just as real.

After the last election, the Liberal Democrats did what was necessary at a time of crisis to fix the economy and keep the Government strong, stable and fair, even though we knew we would take a hit to our popularity.

We ended the broken two-party system that saw power handed back and forth between the blue team and the red team in a depressing game of pass the parcel that left you short-changed time and time again.

But I never imagined that what would follow would be the sort of threat that faces us today.

A Labour Party with no sense of responsibility, promising excessive and reckless borrowing, and leaving themselves vulnerable to the demands of Scottish Nationalists intent on breaking up our country.

Or a Conservative Party acting in its callow self-interest, promising a devastating level of cuts and leaving themselves vulnerable to an angry mob of right wingers from UKIP, the DUP and their own backbenches.

Make no mistake, there is a clear and present danger that this BLUKIP alliance will hold the balance of power after May 7th.

Everybody knows that neither David Cameron nor Ed Miliband will win a majority, even if they try to pretend otherwise.

So someone else is going to have a huge influence over the direction of our country.

That’s why it matters who holds the balance of power on the 8th of May.

It could be Nigel Farage, it could be Alex Salmond or it could be me and the Liberal Democrats.

Imagine what will happen if Nigel Farage and his BLUKIP allies hold the balance of power:

Our public services cut to the bone, our communities divided, our shared British values of decency, tolerance and generosity cast aside.

This is not some far-fetched scenario, there is a very real possibility that it could come to pass in little over two weeks’ time.

And the only way to stop it is for there to be enough Liberal Democrat MPs to keep the next Government in the centre ground.

There are just two weeks left to stop the right wing threat to Britain.

Would you rather have Nigel Farage or Alex Salmond sat at the cabinet table? Or do you want me and the Liberal Democrats?

We won’t allow the Conservatives to cut too much and jeopardise our schools and hospitals and we won’t allow Labour to borrow too much and risk our economy again. That’s why every Liberal Democrat MP elected next month matters.

Only the Liberal Democrats can make sure the next government keeps Britain on track.

Every Liberal Democrat MP makes Labour’s reckless borrowing less likely and every Liberal Democrat MP makes George Osborne’s ideological cuts less likely.

And every Liberal Democrat MP is a barrier between Nigel Farage and Alex Salmond and the door to 10 Downing Street.

The Liberal Democrats will add a heart to a Conservative government and a brain to a Labour one, ensuring Britain is kept on track and making sure our recovery is strong, stable and fair.