Sadiq leaves Shadow Cabinet

Sadiq Khan MP, senior British-Asian politician and the potential Labour candidate for London Mayor, has resigned from the Labour Shadow Cabinet.

Mr Sadiq KhanMr Khan was the campaign manager to elevate Ed Miliband as Labour leader in 2010.

In the resignation letter addressed to Harriet Harman, the acting Leader of the party, the Tooting MP said: It has been a privilege to serve as Shadow Justice Secretary since October 2010. It was a particular honour to serve in the same role continuously during that whole period.

“I’m passionate about our justice system and fought hard against what I saw as dangerous changes made to our courts, prisons and probation service. I’m proud we stood up for access to justice and for the important protection offered by the Human Rights Act and our membership of the European Convention on Human Rights.

“One of the most important achievements was fighting off attempts by the Tories to gerrymander parliamentary constituencies.

“I’m naturally devastated that there won’t be a Labour Justice Secretary to repair the damage done by the coalition over the last five years. But after a period of reflection I have decided that I should step down from serving in the Shadow Cabinet. This is an opportunity for others to take on a leading role as we start the fightback for 2020.

“Another 5 years of a Tory government means more misery and suffering for my Tooting constituents and millions of others around London and our country. After taking advice from family, friends and constituents I will decide how best I can contribute to the fight over the coming months and years.

Harrier accepted his resignation and praised Khan for his outstanding work as Shadow Justice Secretary and Shadow Minister for London.