Yogi Visionary and International Speaker, Sadhguru with his Isha Foundation in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) recently delivered a talk at The Nehru Centre.

Following this session Sadhguru will explore life’s deepest questions on Sunday 24th May; 2.30pm at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. This encounter with Sadhguru will conclude at 4.30 pm.
What is the ultimate business of business? How can I keep calm in the workplace when everything around me is in complete chaos? How can business become a driving force for peace? are some of the questions Sadhguru will delve upon.
It is expected to be an evening featuring an inspirational talk and an interactive session with Sadhguru, as he guides the audience through the stressful business world towards inner peace.
The CII, India’s premier industry association, is also delighted to welcome Sadhguru back to London. Having participated for the past several years at the World Economic Forum, London Business School and the India Business Forum, in partnership with CII, Sadhguru’s wisdom and wit on “inner engineering” with respect to leadership and management has inspired business leaders around the world.
For more details visit www.sadhguruinlondon.com