Rochdale family trying to join ISIS


The Rochdale-Town-British family held in Turkey/Syria border is hailing from Rochdale, police said.
The five adults, aged 21, 22, 22, 24 and 47 and four children, aged one, three, eight and 11, are believed to be related and currently live in Rochdale.

They were stopped at the Turkey/Syria border and are expected to be returned to the U.K in due course. Officers have commenced an investigation to establish their reason for travel and apparent attempted entry into Syria.

At this time officers have uncovered no evidence whatsoever of any imminent threat to the communities of Rochdale or indeed the U.K.

Greater Manchester Police and the North West Counter Terrorism have launched an investigation into nine people stopped by Turkish authorities at the Turkey/Syria border.
Officers are working closely with Rochdale Borough Council, local partners, and faith leaders as part of the ‘Prevent’ initiative.

Assistant Chief Constable Ian Wiggett, said: “What is obviously concerning is why a family were seemingly attempting to take very young and vulnerable children into a warzone; such a volatile and dangerous environment is no place for them whatsoever.

“We have commenced an investigation to try and establish their reasons for travel and as this is a live investigation – which is very much in its infancy – we are not in a position to comment further.

“One of our primary concerns is the safety and welfare of the young children and we are working with partners to ensure a full safeguarding strategy is in place upon their return to the U.K.

“GMP has been working extremely hard with local authorities and faith and community leaders across the region as part of the Prevent initiative, to highlight the dangers associated with radicalisation and travel to regions such as Syria. We are all working together to help identify vulnerable members of our society and intervene and engage them before it is too late.

“I would also like to take the opportunity to remind everyone of their responsibility to help us in our fight against extremism and prevent anyone thinking of travelling to Syria or other warzones from going.

“This is especially difficult for parents or people with close relationships with those people in question but it is these people who are most likely to spot the early signs of radicalisation.

Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation comments: “The news that nine people from Rochdale including children have been arrested in Turkey trying to get into Syria is deep lying worrying. As someone from Rochdale we are working very hard to identify the individuals and the reasons for going to Syria and will be a further statement once we have the full facts. The idea you can take young children into a war zone is despicable and we condemn those adults who have done this.
We support Greater Manchester Police’s investigation and urge all British Muslims to refrain from travelling to Syria where we have seen both the Assad government and ISIS kill British citizens. Just remember Alan Henning and Dr Abbas Khan as examples of those that have been killed by both sides.
ISIS is a barbaric and evil terrorist entity and we reject their violence and killing. Islamic scholars from all parts of the Ummah have been consistent their actions are an affront to Islam.
As Rochdale’s Muslims we will stand against terrorism and ISIS. Anyone who supports ISIS deserves to be held to account in this country.