Pakistan church bombings kill 14

896458756c496d2f8abe17b9b385d397At least 14 people were killed in Pakistan’s Lahore city when two powerful explosions rocked two churches, triggering retaliatory violence, the Pakistani media said.

Jamatul Ahrar, an offshoot of the Tehreek-e-Taliban, claimed responsibility for the deadly attack, news web sites said. Doctors where the dead and wounded were rushed to said 14 people were dead.

At least 50 people were wounded in the explosions in Youhanabad area, home to the country’s biggest Christian population.

Hundreds were attending the Sunday prayers at the Roman Catholic Church and the Christ Church when the explosions occurred.

Jamatul Ahrar spokesperson Ehsanullah Ehsan claimed responsibility for the attacks, Dawn reported.

Initial reports said a man, allegedly involved in the attack, was beaten to death by an enraged mob.

Other reports suggested that two suicide bombers carried out the attacks.

In 2013, twin suicide attacks at the All Saint’s Church in Peshawar’s Kohati Gate area killed 80 and wounded over 100 people.