New Cameron cabinet to meet on May 27

new cameron cabinet British Prime Minister David Cameron is scheduled to meet his new Conservative Party cabinet for the first time since the party won a majority in the House of Commons in the May 7 general election, BBC reported here .

During the meet on May 27, Cameron is slated to introduce a bill aiming to boost employment. The bill will push for two million jobs and three million apprenticeships to be created over the next five years. A second bill will focus on childcare.

The meeting follows the completion of Cameron’s new Cabinet on Monday, with many of those who had previously been Secretaries of State in the last government staying in place.

Many of the most senior figures have held their positions in the cabinet. They include Home Secretary Theresa May, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Chancellor of Exchequor George Osborne and Defence Secretary Michael Fallon.

New additions include Priti Patel of Indian origin as Minister of State for Employment, Sajid Javid of Pakistani origin as Business Secretary, and veteran Conservative member of parliament John Whittingdale as Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.