Manchester celebrates contribution of refugees

Tony Lloyd Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner. Photo Credit: MEN
Tony Lloyd Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner.                        Photo Credit: MEN

Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Commissioner has praised the valuable contribution and resilience of those who seek refuge in the UK.

Speaking during Refugee Week, Tony has also called on communities to stand up to hatred, promote tolerance and respect and celebrate the region’s diversity.

Tony said: “Refugees have contributed so much to this country’s history and culture and that is something we should embrace and celebrate. These are people who have escaped oppression and persecution to seek a safe place to call home. We should praise them for their courage and resilience and support them in building a new life for themselves and their families.

“Unfortunately, there are those who seek to divide us, spouting hatred and untruths, seeking to marginalise refugees and asylum seekers from society. This is where Greater Manchester shows its strength and spirit by standing up against these individuals and welcoming people from all walks of life to become an integral part of the community.

“Refugee Week is an opportunity to truly recognise the contribution and bravery of refugees and celebrate the cohesiveness and strength of our communities across Greater Manchester.”