Cameron to push for EU renegotiations

 British Prime Minister David Cameron said he is “content” with the reception he has received so far to his European Union (EU) reform plans as he prepares to appeal to more leaders…reports Asian Lite News.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (4th R), British Prime Minister David Cameron (4th L) and U.S. President Barack Obama (3rd L) are seen during the G7 summit at the Elmau Castle near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, southern Germany, on June 8, 2015. G7 summit concluded here on June 8.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (4th R), British Prime Minister David Cameron (4th L) and U.S. President Barack Obama (3rd L) are seen during the G7 summit at the Elmau Castle near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, southern Germany, on June 8, 2015. G7 summit concluded here on June 8.

The prime minister, attending an EU trade summit in Belgium, is due to have one-on-one talks with Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Finish Prime Minister Juha Sipila, Romanian President Klaus Werner Johannis and President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades.

Cameron has pledged to hold an “in or out” referendum on whether Britain should withdraw from the EU by 2017.

Cameron has said that he wants to speak all 27 EU counterparts about his agenda for reform and to set out Britains’s intentions before they gather for next month’s European Council (EC) meeting.

He has already held talks with the leaders of Europe’s two largest economies — Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Francois Hollande, as well as the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker and European Council president Donald Tusk.

“Reform and renegotiation, it’s under way, I’m content with the progress we’ve made so far but the referendum will happen by the end of 2017,” the British prime minister said.