Vaz urge EU to drop Indian mango ban

keith-vazMr  Keith Vaz MP, Britain’s longest serving Member of Parliament of Asian origin, has called for the European Union to lift a ban on imported Indian mangoes, following a positive report from the EU’s Food and Veterinary Office.

Mr Vaz had campaigned for the lifting of the ban since its inception earlier this year and had travelled to Brussels to see the relevant commissioners.

Mr Vaz has also tabled an Early Day Motion in Parliament in the House of Commons, calling upon the UK government to support the removal of this import ban.

“The investigation by the European Union Food and Veterinary Office has created an important opportunity to end this damaging and unnecessary ban, which I and others have repeatedly campaigned against.

Businesses across the United Kingdom and India have been harmed by the decision to ban imports earlier this year, with costs from lost trade in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.

I am pleased to see recognition of the improvements made by India to guarantee these exports are safe, and strongly urge the European Union to once again allow this delicious fruit to be imported by member states.

Furthermore, I hope the UK government demonstrates their commitment to our relationship with India and make representations to the European Union on this matter.”Keith Vaz said.