UK plans Asbos for terrorists

New powers to tackle extremist groups are being looked at by the government, the home secretary has said.
The Government is planning to acquire new powers to tacle extremist groups, the home secretary said. Writing in the Daily Telegraph, Theresa May said what have been dubbed “Asbos for terrorists” could be introduced for those who try to radicalise others.

london-iconsAny groups believed to be inciting someone into terrorism could also be banned, even if this could not be proved, said the home secretary. In her article, May acknowledged the “very deadly threat” to the UK from terrorism at home and abroad, and said officials must have all the legal powers they needed to tackle the problem.
She said: “Dealing with terrorism and extremism will require continued commitment and international collaboration. Since I was made home secretary, I have constantly made the case for legislation to ensure the police and security services have access to the communications data they need, for example.

“I am looking again at the case for new banning orders for extremist groups that fall short of the legal threshold for terrorist proscription, as well as for new civil powers to target extremists who seek to radicalise others.”

Public bodies such as councils and schools would also be required by law to take steps to tackle radicalisation, she said. She added the UK had improved its ability to address the problem of extremism online – with 28,000 pieces of terrorist material removed from the internet so far this year.