Russia push for Palestine independence

JERUSALEM-WORLD HERITAGERussia is interested in the earliest resolution of the issue concerning the state status of Palestine, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said .

The foreign minister said his country recognised the state of Palestine in the late 1980s.

“Therefore, we have no questions whatsoever concerning the recognition of the Palestinian statehood as it was proposed by the UN Security Council’s draft resolution,” Lavrov said.

“There is still a question on how the peace process will be developing in the future.”

Lavrov explained that “we are working with all involved parties so they would finally realise their responsibility for the final settlement (of the Middle East conflict), including all issues concerning the eventual status of the Palestinian state”.

“We are interested that it all could happen as soon as possible,” Lavrov added.

The UN Security Council draft resolution welcomes an idea of holding an international conference to resume Palestinian-Israeli dialogue halted in the spring of 2014.

The document also said that all Israeli forces should leave the occupied territories not later than 2017.

The initial variant of the document submitted by a Palestinian delegation in October set a deadline of 24 months.