New India Assurance Bags Top IOD Award

New India Assurance bagged Institute of Director’s Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance

Mr Girish Radhakrishnan, CEO, New India Assurance accepting the Golden Peacock award on behalf of Mr G Srinivasan from Theresa May, British Home Secretary, and IOD India President Lt.Gem. JS Ahluwalia
Mr Girish Radhakrishnan, CEO, New India Assurance accepting the Golden Peacock award on behalf of Mr G Srinivasan from Theresa May, British Home Secretary, and IOD India President Lt.Gem. JS Ahluwalia

New India Assurance bagged this year’s Institute of Director’s Golden Peacock Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance. This is the second time in row NIA is winning the prestigious award.

The event was held during  the  IOD India’s London Global Convention 2014 incorporating 14th International Conference on Corporate Governance & Sustainability .


Mr. Girish Radhakrishnan, CEO,  accepted the award at a glittering ceremony in London on behalf of Mr. G Srinivasan, Chairman cum Managing Director. Mr Srinivasan was unable to come in person because of an official engagement.


British Home Secretary Theresa May, UK ministers Baroness Sandip Verma, Mr Shailesh Vara MP, besides Conservative party co-chairmn Alok Sharma and several senior political figures and IOD dignitaries were present. Other award winners include  Merck, KPMG, Marks & Spenser, GlaxoSmithKline, ONGC and State Bank of India.