Peace selfies from MP Bob Blackman , Sri Sri

In the current situation the world is undergoing through with natural disasters, conflict, war, financial turmoil, health epidemics, and the list is endless .what is the rescue to the multitude?!
“Make people experience Peace together” is the answer that echoes from various corners of the world.
The Art of Living and the International Association for Human Values in partnership with other voluntary and Peace organisations have joined hands with the First World War Centenary Partnership Program, of the British Government’s Department for Media, Culture & Sports, The Dalai Lama Foundation, Unify, Peace One Day, Religions for Peace, 1GaintMind, Tony Samara, Feel Good Communities CIC., Here and Now 365 to launch “WorldPeaceMeditation” an innovative mobile APP on iOS and Android platforms based devices(mobiles/tablets), which promises to do the unthinkable – attempt to bring people together from all parts of the world! In a course to commit to reform the current chaos, and reassure the humanity that we are all going to work for the better download The APP iOS and Android
Distinguished Supporters of the Campaign, with their Peace Selfies, Hon. Member of British Parliament, Bob Blackman, Harrow East, London , Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,  among other celebrities have joined hands and have appealed to the world for Global Peace.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, a humanitarian and spiritual leader and an active proponent of global Peace said, “Meditation is that technique that puts us in touch with ourselves. Meditation is that inward journey to find peace.”
Does it sound interesting to explore? What can we all do about this? Everything starts with downloading the APP NOW!!! The APP explores
• Join World Peace Meditation on 21 September
• the practical 40-day “Path to Peace”
• to Contribute your 20 minutes to a peaceful world
• to be part of an exciting World Record attempt!
What’s inside the app?
A serene guided meditation specially designed for a sustained world peace by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar made available on 21st September only through the app.
40 days of “Path to Peace” – a structured program of daily quotes and action to perform, designed specially to provide a practical route to inner peace and peace in the outer world.
A map visualization showing the people in the world and around you who are meditating with you, giving a feeling of belongingness and connection with all the peace lovers around you!
Share what you learned and experienced on the app with your dear ones and on social media through the inbuilt facility on the app.
Asked as to Why the cost at $0.99?The organisers explain that
• donation will fund World Peace projects.
• The support generated will lead to a better world.
Globally the world – New York: 10:00 hrs London: 15:00 hrs Paris: 16:00 hrs Bangalore: 19:30 hrs Singapore: 22: 00 hrs will join to meditate for Peace.
International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21 every year by the General Assembly of the United Nations for strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. This year, the day has a particular significance, since 2014 marks the 100th year of beginning of the horrific World War I.
The project leaders quickly add the registration for the event would possibly be a World Record for the largest number of online synchronised meditators for World Peace!
What is the Future of the APP? It is reported that Upgrade to the app which could enable users to take up peace projects in your areas and join hands with your local volunteers.
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