High Commissioner of India Mr Ranjan Mathai led a cross-section of people from the Indian diaspora to pay tributes to Mahatma Gandhi to mark Gandhi Jayanti in London. The event held near the Gandhi statue at Tavistock Square was attended by mayors, senior politicians, diplomats besides members of Indian Journalists Association, London. Chairman of India League Mr C.B. Patel, Mayor of Camden Councillor Lazzaro Pietragnoli, Lord Hameed, Lord Ranbir Suri, Mr. Shailesh Vara, MP; Mr. Virendra Sharma, MP, Mayor of Ealing Mr. Tej Ram Bagha, Mayor of Dartford Mr. Avtar Singh Sandhu, Mayor of Southwark Mr. Sunil Chopra, Air India Regional Manager Tara Naidu, President of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan Mr Joginder Sanger, and President of Indian Journalists Association Ms Aditi Khanna were among the prominent people present. Students of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan rendered favourite Bhajans of Gandhiji.