Labour Conveys Diwali Greetings

The opposition Labour Party hosted a Diwali reception with Labour Leader Ed Miliband MP at the Conrad Hotel in St James’s Park, London.


labour leader Ed Miliband MP at the Diwali reception in London
labour leader Ed Miliband MP at the Diwali reception in London

There were over 300 people in attendance from various community groups and temples, to celebrate the festival with Mr Miliband.

Other senior Labour Party politicians in attendance included Harriet Harman MP, Chuka Umunna MP, Gloria De Piero MP, Sadiq Khan MP and Keith Vaz MP.


Mr Miliband drew attention to the importance of Diwali, the Festival of Lights which is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists, and emphasised that the values of togetherness and family that are celebrated at this time of year, are values which the Labour Party holds dear.  The lighting of the Diya took place on the stage with Mr Miliband and five children from the Krishna Avanti Primary School.


Miliband said: “Diwali is such a special time of year for Hindus, Sikhs, Jains & Buddhists across Britain. It is important we recognise this festival as it celebrates the idea of good over evil, and the symbolic lighting of the lamps reminds us that we should join together to build a stronger society.”