India backs Palestine unity government


India Tuesday said it supported the formation of the Palestine unity government and hoped the dialogue with Israel is resumed at the earliest towards a mutually acceptable political solution.

In a statement, the external affairs ministry spokesperson said the formation of the unity government is in keeping with India’s stance of supporting the reconciliation efforts between West Bank and Gaza, which is key to a sustainable Palestinian state.

“India has noted the commitment of the unity government to the obligations assumed by Palestine in the peace process with Israel. It is hoped that the dialogue between the two sides can be resumed at the earliest in a pragmatic and constructive spirit, towards a mutually acceptable political solution,” the statement said.

“India has consistently supported a peaceful and negotiated solution between Palestine and Israel, resulting in a sovereign, independent, viable and united State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living side by side and at peace with Israel, within secured and recognised borders.”

A Palestinian unity government was sworn in Monday at Ramallah in the West Bank, ending seven years of rivalry between the Palestinian factions, Fatah and Hamas. The government is headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah.

Israel has opposed creation of the unity government.