Incredible India!

Give up caste, communal poison: Modi

A Muslim woman with her kids dressed as Lord Krishna and Radha returning home after a school competition on the eve of Janmastami in Varanasi, the constituency of Prime Minister Modi
A Muslim woman with her kids dressed as Lord Krishna and Radha returning home after a school competition on the eve of Janmastami in Varanasi, the constituency of Prime Minister Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged Indians to give up the “poison” of casteism and communalism and embrace unity for the country’s progress.

During his Independence Day address, the prime minister said it was a shame that caste and communal politics continued even so many years after independence. “How long will this continue?” he asked, his voice choked with emotion.
“We have fought enough, we have killed enough. Turn back and see, has anyone gained anything?” He said that years of bloodshed had only caused deep wounds to “Bharat Mata”.
The prime minister urged people to give up, at least for 10 years, caste and communal politics. “Peace, unity, brotherhood should take over. Only these will help us to march ahead.”

CAPTION: A Muslim woman with her kids dressed as Lord Krishna and Radha returning home after a school competition on the eve of Janmastami in Varanasi, the constituency of Prime Minister Modi